This is just too sucky of a day for bitches. I am clearly overwhelmed with good ~ma today, as I really needed an extra day off, and actually got a snow day! Whoot! I'm happy to have this for myself, but even happier to realize that this means that I have
plenty of ~ma to share!
So, lots of ~ma to all who need it, especially Sean and S; Teppy and your father; and Matilda (for an especially short and non-bothersome cold).
Clearly, while giving away ~ma, I have bogarted all the !!!! Wheeeee!!!!!!!!!
Snow Day! I feel like I'm about 12! And it wasn't even like "you can come in late' or "non-essential personnel" so that you have to agonize over how essential you are. Just "Stay Home!!"
Word is, KO *may be* in our airspace today...I'm carless and in my sweatpants, anyway...wearing that laundry-day bra. If he met me today, he'd totally think our team lost, and I suppose the leather pants wouldn't work on two sports guys. I understand there's no swooning in baseball.
(Waves at Keith and Danny, just to lighten shit up))
Danny would kill me if I tried anything.
after I read your message - I went to spend 5 minutes cleaning out my car - and there was my phone. so the ma is working.
also matt's new text message seem to make it clear that he is in a new place.
so I am calmer.
I'm so glad that the day has improved a bit, beth. I just lost my mouse (not literally, every now and then it freezes up until I reboot), but found phone and good text message are
more important than a working mouse, so yeah!!
((((Steph)))). So sorry you are under so much stress. I was actually thinking of advising y'all to start a splinter group...nevermind.
Does anyone want to compose an apologetic email to a friend who I was a total tool to last night because I was teee-rashed? I'm pretty sure it'll be fine, but I'm having anxiety attacks just thinking about it.
Dear [friend],
I am so sorry about last night. I was a total tool because I was trashed, but I know that's no excuse. I hope you can forgive me.
Does anyone want to compose an apologetic email to a friend who I was a total tool to last night because I was teee-rashed?
Dear [DJ's friend],
Dude. I tried to break the land speed record and post a personal best for inebriation last night. Apparently this required me to be a complete tool jackass to you. I hope you can respect my attempt to set a new record, and (more importantly) forgive my shit-faced, stupid-ass trespasses. You're a good friend and deserve the better part of my friendship. I'm sorry.
Thanks Kristin! That's pretty much what I said, except I think I said I was a total jackass instead of too.
I feel like I was more jackassy than tooly.
ETA: Hec too!
((((Steph)))). So sorry you are under so much stress. I was actually thinking of advising y'all to start a splinter group...nevermind.
Well, no -- we more or less *are* -- it's just that, for now, we're staying very very VERY under the radar. To the point of not even referring to ourselves as a "group."
we more or less *are* -- it's just that, for now, we're staying very very VERY under the radar. To the point of not even referring to ourselves as a "group."
You should all get t-shirts that say "SPLINTER GROUP" in big-ass letters. Just because it'd be funny.