Metaphysical musings in Natter:
Tommyrot: I'm wondering - if our pets go to heaven, how about all the animals I ate? Maybe in heaven I'll run into a cow who'll say, "Dude. You ate me." And I'll be all, "Sorry. But I was hungry. And if it makes you feel any better, you were very tasty."
Not funny but I wanted to put this somewhere it will be remembered; Connie Neil in Natter:
The Western mountains are rugged and majestic and gorgeous and dumb. They don't know what's coming to them. Sure, you can get lost in the wilderness, but they have no subtlety.
The Eastern mountains are old and canny and keep their secrets. You can hide in the shadows of the winding hollows and ridges and listen to the millenia of living things that have hidden there too. They look easy, but they're just waiting for someone to get stupid.
hey, I'm on a roll.
t looks down
kaiser, by the look of it.
Jobama did not send me an email, so I plan on voting for McCain. Dude, I want approximately seven homes too.
In Natter (this just made me laugh and laugh):
I was proposed to in a bathroom.
Steph L:
Don't brag.
Sue, in Natter:
I think diving should be in the survival Olympics. You never know when you are going to have to do a 1 1/2 pike with 1 1/2 twists dive off a cliff to get away from marauding bears.
Barb: Or Brooke Shields.