At 14, I would've been completely stunned.
That's probably really what the flame was. 'Giles is old and Spike's straight and you ought to see a therapist' really did strike me as more thier issue than mine.
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
At 14, I would've been completely stunned.
That's probably really what the flame was. 'Giles is old and Spike's straight and you ought to see a therapist' really did strike me as more thier issue than mine.
My reaction to the "Giles is old! Ick!" statements is always a restrained sob and a virtual pat on the shoulder accompanied by "Someday, when you are a woman, you will understand, my dear." And I go back to mentally cataloging every lucious crag on ASH's face. Oh, and counting the imperfectly disguised lines on JM, too, while I'm at it.
I only hope I meet a man that old and decrepit one day.
That's pretty much what I did. And I tend to counter the 'they're straight' arguments with 'oh yeah? Giles and Ethan? Look again. Spike and Xander? Look again." I turned one person on to the HoYay that way.
Which sounds appropriately porny on re-reading.
I think you get a toaster for that, Am-Chau.
I don't find Giles, or ASH, hot, personally. It's not really an Eww! He's old! -type thing; it's more, I think, just the dykier-than-thou of my parts getting up and waving their arms. I just can't understand, viscerally or intellectually, any of the appeal.
Steph to me on the phone: That's just-- that's just wrong! Even-- chairs should find Giles hot!
Steph to me on the phone: That's just-- that's just wrong! Even-- chairs should find Giles hot!
Well, they SHOULD!!!
I think *everyone*, regardless of gender or preference of nookie partner, should find Giles hot.
I'm with Teppy on this.
Well nyah nyah nyah I can't hear you. He's no more sexual to me than a coatrack, or a birthday cake. Not a naughty birthday cake, just one made with the mix from the store.
....a naughty birthday cake?
t mind boggling