The inimitable Nilly in Natter:
Why, it works! I have internet! Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the connection to the outside world that bureaucracy-and-moving-and-mess-and-mostly-bureaucracy have stolen.
... my daughter doesn't believe in non-chocolate cakes. I mean, she believes they exist, she just doesn't understand why.
First sonogram showed a healthy heartbeat and adorable yolk sac, so it's possible I'm having a chicken.
Gudanov: ... my daughter doesn't believe in non-chocolate cakes. I mean, she believes they exist, she just doesn't understand why
Since I'm not caught up in the thread this is in (or...skimmed past it), I must say Gud's daughter is wise.
Isn't she also the CformerBITW?
From Bitches...
My feeling is, in America even assholes get free speech. Therefore, in America, even morons deserve health care. It's a fucking civil right.
erika in Movies, on James Cameron, King of the Douchebags:
Yes, this, I think God has a *cameron* complex.
Steph in Natter,
in response to the news that they're filming a sequel to
Wall Street:
Greed: How's That Workin' Out For Ya?
Strega in Literary
Bekka Black's iDRACULA
Oh, tsk. What a missed opportunity.
Should have called it iTEETH.