I just had a grilled cheese & bacon sandwich for lunch! Nummy!
I had the weirdest/hilarious/humiliating thing happen at my friend's b'day party this Saturday. I walked into the party, which was at her house, carrying a bunch of stuff and this woman I've met once before walked towards me. She was on her way out I guess. I said "hi" to her and she made like she was going to pat my belly and said something like "when are you due?" I gawked at her and said, "Uh are you implying that I look pregnant?!"
She kind of laughed, not like she was embarassed but like she'd thought she'd been making a joke, and said that "people say that to me all the time."
I asked her "what the fuck is wrong with you???" and walked away. And it immediately became funny as hell because WTF? Who says something like that?
Thank god I was wearing something that I felt comfortable in and not like a new dress that I'd never be able to wear again. FTR, I looked like this:
I had added a note that said "baby bump?" but I guess my friend deleted it.
um....how was everybody else's weekend?
You really don't look remotely pregnant in that picture. You just look happening and happy. That lady must have been on the crack.
That lady must have been on the crack.
It is unclear what substance she was on ... or had failed to take. The only other time she met me was at the same friends' house and she thought that I was friend's new girlfriend. SHe and my friend had dated for like a week once in the past. My friend had actually just started dating my bandmate and pyscho knew she had someone new in her life but nothing else I guess. So there was some speculation that even though she knew my friend and I hadn't dated that she might be somewhat jealous of me. So maybe she said it to try to fuck with me?
That lady is pretty weird, lisah.
So, there is a HazMat team in my building because the admissions office just got a suspicious application. So far, only the admissions office ahs been evacuated (and they are now contaminating us!). Also, covering for Big!Boss's Assistant is for the birds! So far todayI have had to troubleshoot random meetings on people's calendars, no hot water, the voice mail system being down, and boss's printer "Going Crazy!" (it was out of toner).
That does sound like jealous jerkary rather than someone who needs to be sent to Remedial Human Behavior 101 with an emphasis on "how not to be a tactless jackass."
Animated business clip art is some seriously freaky shit.
I think the proper answer for "When are you due?" is "For what?"
think the proper answer for "When are you due?" is "For what?"
I didn't quite have my wits around me. She approached me as soon as I set foot into this party and was trying to orient myself to it. I'm glad I did ask her what was wrong with her though.
I think I am in love with BaconSalt. The idea of it, anyway. I guess I shouldn't fully commit myself until we meet.
And it immediately became funny as hell because WTF? Who says something like that?
Unfortunately, lots of jackasses do, all the time. (Oddly, I've never had it happen to me, which is hard for me to believe, since I have quite a large belly. Perhaps it's just the "fuck off and DIE" look I give strangers that keeps them from saying *anything* to me.)