And it immediately became funny as hell because WTF? Who says something like that?
Unfortunately, lots of jackasses do, all the time. (Oddly, I've never had it happen to me, which is hard for me to believe, since I have quite a large belly. Perhaps it's just the "fuck off and DIE" look I give strangers that keeps them from saying *anything* to me.)
It was even so much that she made the manners faux pas of assuming a chubby bellied lady was pregnant but that she then played it off like she had intended it to be a joke that was really WTF.
My friend just started carrying a bacon chocolate bar at her store:
It was really pretty good. Not overwhelmingly bacon-y. More like chocolate with crunchy, salty bits added.
In the grocery store I saw Kraft Mac and Cheese microwave cups with Bacon.
That's happened to me,
I'm always so shocked at the sheer rudeness of it I can't say anything except "Not pregnant!". Although it's enjoyable to watch them shrink up in embarassment like salted slugs.
Although it's enjoyable to watch them shrink up in embarassment like salted slugs.
This lady didn't act embarassed at all! That was the crazy thing.
When I was 12 years old, and those empire-waist flowy shirts that are so popular right now were first in style, I was wearing one to go to Old Chicago, an indoor theme park in the SW 'burbs that is now long-defunct. Well, when I got in line for the ride that spins around and sticks you to the wall while the floor drops under you, the lady working the line tried to ban me from riding since I was pregnant. I was a fat 12 year old with an in-style shirt, damnit! I gave her a horrified look and said, "I'm in 7th grade!!" and she backed down quickly.
I think the only other time someone inquired about my non-existent pregnancy was when an elderly nun asked me about when I was due thinking I was my pregnant aunt. She'd had both of us in school and we do look very alike and are not that far apart in age. I was horrified though. Even though I was way, way skinnier then.
So, today an envelope with white powder was found at the place where I work. Naturally, they asked the people on the floor where it was found to "go to another floor" because when you're evacuating, half-measures are best. Apparently it was a harmless powder. But the question arises: if it's not a pointless threat from a dumbass (seriously, I can see no reason for someone to leave an envelope with white powder in the bathroom) then what else could it be? Meth? Someone who needs talcum powder on the plane? Any guesses?
ETA: sigh, and that was why they turned off the A/C. I thought they had finally wised up to how freezing this damn building is.