when I noticed a sign for Red Stripe that says "Hooray BEER!" Want.
Now that's an ad campaign I can get excited about.
Just back from my favourite italian restaurant. Food was superb, and my friends brought their extremely cute toddler so we had hot servers cooing in our vicinity all evening. Yep, pretty good.
For Vortex to buy and put in her condo. When it's finished. Eventually.
We had Teppy's Apple oat crockpot crumble . YUM
Dear eBay sellers, when you list a fucking item, and you mention a size, PLEASE TO BE SAYING IF YOU'RE CLAIMING SOMETHING OTHER THAN THE TAG SIZE.
You listed these pants as an 8, and their label says 6.
You're only not getting a bitchy email because I'm lazy and because they zipped up.
And they zipped and
the label says a six.
(It's a little hard to be bitchy after zipping up size six pants.)
(For me.)
(Or it was.)
(And it totally would be, now.)
(It's a little hard to be bitchy after zipping up size six pants.)
They're still about 5lbs from flattering, IMO, but at least I know they'll work with a few more workouts.
Juliana: Are two bags enough, and do you want them tomorrow or Sunday?
I'm bored. And lonely. And no one's on IM. And I wanted to invite some friends over to watch the Oscars, but my apartment's a mess and there's no way I can get it to guest-having cleanliness in time. And maybe I should see if some people want to go see a movie tomorrow, but it's kind of late to try to organize anything like that.
Plei, do I remember you saying you put something in your can of Sofia before you drank it? I've tried a can and it's not as sweet as I usually like sparkling wine. But it's still pretty tasty.
Huh. I put in bitters to cut the sweetness.
You can do bitters + sugarcube (the true Champagne Cocktail recipe), but Sofia's about ten million times sweeter than I usually like, as I'm a dry, dry girl.