this has been one of those annoying days where nothing was quite as smooth as it should have been
The good news. my average sugar over the past 3 months - 6.5 which is target. I'd like to see it lower, but I can live with this , esp since I haven't been very careful or montiered it very much.
the funny news - Matt is judgine a teen talent show tonight.
the worst news- Our friend R - who is running the talent show has to hide this weekend. her soon to be ex is playing paper chase games. He has a deadline to sign something for her, but if he gets the divorce papers to her first, this changes the money in his favor. and Since he is non working, because of a bad back ( that he refuses to get evaluated for disability), we told her to find someplace else to be.
March 6th.
Oooh, that's soon. Are you ready to be inundated with cards and well wishing CARE packages filled with easily digestible funtime media?
Yes, Hec, yes I am.
BUt I know I will be well taken care of and own zillions of DVDs I want to watch, so I don't need much.
so I don't need much.
What about our needs?!? Don't be so selfish. We have terribly big needs to lavish our Scrappy with love and affection. You wouldn't deny us, would you?
This afternoon's earworm, courtesy the Soundtracks station on launch.
Senora dances Calypso
Left to right is de tempo
And when she gets the sensation
She go up in the air,
come down in slow motion
are you banking blood? if so, you need to get on that so you have enough time to recover before surgery.
so, I'm sitting here in what will become my neighborhood bar, when I noticed a sign for Red Stripe that says "Hooray BEER!" Want.
Love that ad campaign.
Glad you got your date set, Robin!