Something I find both charming and depressing is the number of former English majors who appear to make their living in Spam. I have received offers for tourist information from Leopold Bloom, for new home financing from Howard Roark, and for legal advice from Sydney Carton. One lucky morning I received soulful e-mails from both Natasha Rostov and Helene Kuragin. Natasha was going to supply me with the ROMANCE that I always wanted. This seemed proper, given that Natasha had once captured my heart, along with the hearts of every other adolescent boy forced to read War and Peace at one point or another. On the not-so-proper side, Helene Kuragin offered to introduce me to sexy, fun-loving girls of easy virtue right in my own hometown. It's not clear how much good it does the average American guy to know about fun-loving, slightly mercenary girls in his hometown, given that he by now almost certainly lives hundreds of miles from his hometown, but if anyone would be good at finding these girls it would be Helene Kuragin.