My TiVo is sneering at me. After spending TWO HOURS after work trying to make the TiVo, VCR, TV and cable box speak to one another, I give up. We're gonna end up drowning in episodes of Teen Titans, and I'm never gonna be able to save one damn minute of Jon Stewart.
throws well-groomed little first world body to the floor, drumming beautifully pedicured feet and waving adequately manicured fists in bourgeois despair
From the wilds of Natter:
Tommyrot: Help wanted: Court jester.
Jessica: I saw that earlier today. I was thinking we could send Dubya.
Vortex: Jessica, they want a court jester, not a village idiot.
Sounds like the Illinois Republicans are trying to being in Alan Keys from Maryland to run against OBama. Can they really not find a warm body to throw into the race that is actually from Illinois?
And more commentary on the Assquarium from Raquel:
My one concern with the toilet aqaurium is that it's like forcing the fish to live at the cemetery. I haven't had to give a fish a "burial at sea" since my butterfly koi ate too much and blew up at 2:30 am, but hey, no other fish needed to see that
Sean explains it all in F2F:
We in California have a very casual relationship with rules.
Nora Dierdre:
I swear, if I hear the phrase, "Men are stupid but women are crazy" one more time... I'm gonna do something crazy. Or stupid, just to thwart the paradigm.