My TiVo is sneering at me. After spending TWO HOURS after work trying to make the TiVo, VCR, TV and cable box speak to one another, I give up. We're gonna end up drowning in episodes of Teen Titans, and I'm never gonna be able to save one damn minute of Jon Stewart.
throws well-groomed little first world body to the floor, drumming beautifully pedicured feet and waving adequately manicured fists in bourgeois despair
From the wilds of Natter:
Tommyrot: Help wanted: Court jester.
Jessica: I saw that earlier today. I was thinking we could send Dubya.
Vortex: Jessica, they want a court jester, not a village idiot.
Sounds like the Illinois Republicans are trying to being in Alan Keys from Maryland to run against OBama. Can they really not find a warm body to throw into the race that is actually from Illinois?
And more commentary on the Assquarium from Raquel:
My one concern with the toilet aqaurium is that it's like forcing the fish to live at the cemetery. I haven't had to give a fish a "burial at sea" since my butterfly koi ate too much and blew up at 2:30 am, but hey, no other fish needed to see that
Sean explains it all in F2F:
We in California have a very casual relationship with rules.
Nora Dierdre:
I swear, if I hear the phrase, "Men are stupid but women are crazy" one more time... I'm gonna do something crazy. Or stupid, just to thwart the paradigm.
Matt the Bruins Fan
hits the nail squarely on the head...:
I don't think nearly so many of the family values people would have a problem with gay marriage if it were only extended to hot women and they were allowed to watch.