In Natter:
kat perez:
I received two spam emails from Steph offering me "Live Russian teens".
Sean K:
I suppose that's slightly better than spam offering you "Dead Russian teens," kat.
Dude, when spammers start favoring necrophilia over bestiality, I'm going to declare it The Fall of the Roman Empire II: Fall Harder.
Madrigal Costello:
I didn't spend three years in Latin Club just to learn the language - it was all about survival.
in Previously, discussing the wacky slash pairings: I think the badness would be wanna-blessed-be on wanna-blessed-be. They'd both probably end up dying of patchouli poisoning.
From BBaBB, some poor soul googling a very specific kind of porn is brought to Buffistas by way of the following phrase...
pictures of girls wearing rubber gloves and g string
Noise Design:
I'm just going to hang out here, waiting to dial 911 when it's needed to save the AC hijinks...
That would be cute and funny if one of the poor wee dainty gurlies didn't just ASSEMBLE A SPACESHIP THAT IS ON ITS WAY TO MARS.
In Bitches: Clovis the Devilbunny: will have to do tune-up next time zombie is in range. then hit him with hammer. then a bigger hammer. soon fix problem.
From amych, by way of BF, in the Angel thread (non-spoilery):
From the BF (necessary context: said at dinner): "Angel's dumb enough to try to have an argument with this table. The table would win."
I have to fill out the stupid form, which is just like Stupid Yellow form I filled out two months ago. One thing, it asked "How did you entertain yourself before your injury?" Given that I was a fetus, I'm tempted to write "Swimming."