flea, in Natter, on the subject of real live minions.
Next year, due to budget cuts, I will be able to hire .63 student. I hope I get parts with a brain attached.
Drat! Juliana beat me to Kat!
I don't think algebra makes anything better.
Hee hee. Love the new Annie.
"No, you'll never escape the poverty. You'll probably have to eat the damn dog. And you'll never, ever, be able to afford proper eyeballs with irises and pupils. Sorry. Have some gruel."
Mwa. Ha. Ha.
But I am rather puzzled by some of the questions. For example,"List some of the contacts you have with others." And "Do you ever have problems with those in authority?" I'll tell you, both my mother and I were looking for lightning bolts when we said "No." Fantasy Answer: Only stupid faceless bureaucrats that send me tons of identical forms. I hear the last one's nickname is "Stump". Have a nice day.
I'm an expert on exactly one thing: me. And I'm only that by default.
Deb in Natter:
What math type says: "integers algorhyhtms two seven decimal excel advanced calculus"
what Deb hears: "hahahaha! We are Satanic Number gnomes! All your sanity are belonging to me! Flee, puny mortal! We will munch your English lit/medieval history major and theology minor into gritty paste that all taste of pi! Fall to your knees, and worship!"
Sean K:
(psst... hey MM, go back in and put a forced break between "Halfwit" and "ShitForBrains" or somewhere thereabouts.)
Heather Alayne in Bitches, reveling in power:
It's like I'm queen of my little music world. Bands and artists get up to play for me, and I get to say, "Yes Queen Heather is pleased, play for me!" or "This pleaseth me not! Begone!" or as was the case with Creed a minute ago "Off with their heads!"