A couple from Bitches, freed from the chains of context:
I'll admit to a certain wishy-washiness on the whole pineapple pizza thing. Because ham/pineapple, while tolerable to me if other people in the group wanted it, was never exciting. And then I found out about pepperoni/pineapple. The spiciness of the pepperoni gave the whole combo a kick that h/p just never had for me. I know it's an unconventional 'ship. And that the OTPers out there probably think I'm doing some kind of sick, pervy thing to their favorite ingredient. But p/p is the next hot pairing, I'm telling you. You'll be seeing it in TWOP banner ads any day now.
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Jess PMoon:
Old beets can be indecent beets
though recent beets are bolder
for beets (I'm glad to say)
are in the mind of the beholder...
aurelia in Natter, on Natter:
I learn so much from natter. Chemistry, refrigerator design, really scary food slash... I feel like I've been reading a text only version of "The Cartoon History of Judaism." It's like really fun school, but without the tuition and with occasional porn!
Spoilery for Buffy "Dirty Girls" in Buffy thread.
Caleb is subletting from evil.
Literally, if he's living in Evil's wine cellar.
edited b/c dirty and bad are similar but not the same. apologies if i spoiled anyone, and thanks for catching that, jess.
Er, actually spoilery for Dirty Girls. S7.
Edited: Curse you, wee JessiMoon!
A news article: A German company says it wants to market a new condom to improve men's sexual performance by numbing the penis to prevent premature ejaculation.
Now, I'm not a man, but I'm pretty sure nobody's ever thought to themselves "You know what would make sex better? If my penis were numb. Yeah!"
A whole new take on calling someone "numb nuts"...