In Natter, on the Freedom Fries initiative...
My SO and I have been eating french fries like maniacs ever since we heard of the "freedom fries" stupidity. I mean, come the hell on! Just when I think people can't get any stupider (or would that be more stupid?).
Don't do it! You'll die of heart attacks and the jingoists will have won!
Use French ticklers instead.
Not funny, but worth repeating.
in Natter:
How about we aim distain at those who chose to abuse the concept of responsibility, both mass responsibility and personal responsibility, invoking it when it suits them without taking any of it when it doesn't?
We all need to be responsible, as members of whatever group we associate with, and as individuals in our choices.
Daniel's take on the "Freedom Fries" thing:
OH, I went to buy some freedom toast,
and when I got there they had none,
They said I could have some freedom fries
As after 10 they had not one.
I opted then for salad,
and settled on the tossed
'Would you like freedom dressing?"
I said, "I'll take that sauce."
As my meal contiued on,
I surveyed the space near me
I spied some freedom vanilla coffee
and freedom crullers by the tea.
I thought of my dear freedom maid,
How her words were greek to me.
But she was quick to give a freedom kiss
And was a beautiful sight to see.
I end my walk at the grocery store
All the freedom products I could see
The Freedom's mustard, the freedom onions
and freedom cut green beans will all go home with me.
Two gems from Bitches. The usual suspects.
Sean K.:
One of the priveleges of being the #1 wife of the Minister of Kill the Stupid People is that you just have to point.
"Yarr. Shiver me shurikens."
Erikaj (context is for wimps): I swear I'm not clutching my uterus going "My precious! My precious!"
More uteri, from Dana in Bitches (where else?):
Would anyone like my uterus? I don't plan on using it.
Kristen, in Angel (spoilery):
Buffy calls AI. Asks: Hey, it's Buffy. Angel just called the house...listens...WHAT? Are you completely insane? No, never mind. Don't answer that. Of course, you are. You removed Angel's soul and broke Faith out of prison. Clearly, you're the insane clown posse. Without the freakish makeup.
Then clearly,
Buffy missed seeing Cordelia's blond hair and bruised eye look from seasons 2 and 3