More from the inimitable billytea, in Natter:
I should also draw attention to the little monument to the Boy Scouts of America, which consists of a woman, a boy scout, and a completely naked man firmly gripping the boy's shoulder from behind. Yes, this is the same Boy Scouts that went to court to prevent gay men from being scout leaders. If you want the job, you better be a fine, upstanding, heterosexual nudist.
Northern Virginia is a physical manifestation of Hell. I would say it's where the evil lives, but that doesn't even begin to describe NoVa.
Heh. I just love the bits that aren't really in NoVa yet, but if you're trying to get from any of the highways to DC or any of the bridges in/out of DC to a different one? And you end up on these unlit little tiny ramp things, where they have tiny tiny signs saying "for this HUGE LIST OF THINGS, stay left!". And 30 feet later "OK, now stay right!". And 50 feet later "Left again, jackass! HAH! MISSED IT!".
JessPMoon quoting Cindy in Angel:
I'm wearing Connor on my head Right Now!
See, now I adore Connor too, but that's just disturbing
Cindy: Why? Does he clash?
Christie, in Smallville:
The only two black men in Kansas are having a confrontation.
In Angel:
DANA: You know what? I'm gonna take a stand.
I like Connor. I didn't hate Kate. In fact, "Lonely Hearts"? One of my favorite episodes. I didn't hate Spiral either. I like Sarah McLachlan! And Julia Roberts! And Gwyneth Paltrow!
SOPHIA: I'm wearing Connor on my head Right Now!
DANA: And it's fucking great!
(I think we're going to need bigger heads.)
Sue, in Buffy, on Spike this season:
...he's reminding me of Lear's Fool. You know, crazy crunchiness on the outside, inside a chewy, insightful centre.