In Angel:
DANA: You know what? I'm gonna take a stand.
I like Connor. I didn't hate Kate. In fact, "Lonely Hearts"? One of my favorite episodes. I didn't hate Spiral either. I like Sarah McLachlan! And Julia Roberts! And Gwyneth Paltrow!
SOPHIA: I'm wearing Connor on my head Right Now!
DANA: And it's fucking great!
(I think we're going to need bigger heads.)
Sue, in Buffy, on Spike this season:
...he's reminding me of Lear's Fool. You know, crazy crunchiness on the outside, inside a chewy, insightful centre.
aw, shucks, billytea, I thank you and the girls would, too - except in quote mode, the graphic graphics got separated and well...that looks rather painful, and as if it might affect my already precarious balance. (edit, oh wait, if I close my favorites list, everyone's back in position. nevermind.)
I have to go get nutty's imaginary boyfriend's hairy pancakes out of my teeth now, or...shoot, you beat me to it, Anne.
JZ: the passing of the WBB tiara from Rio's boyfriend to scrappy's.
Rio: I think it's called a tiaro when it's for boys.
Pinwiz: And then BANG!!!, Foreshadowing came in the door with a six-pack of Rolling Rock.
JZ , referring to a moron who exceeds the previously-known boundaries of obliviousness:
Cluestick, clue anvil, possibly the clue grand piano snapping the cord of the clue crane and tumbling five stories down the front of the clue brownstone to punch a hole six feet deep in the clue sidewalk.