Ho. Lee. Fuck.
While I was running errands, I heard the new Velvet Revolver single, Fall To Pieces.
What an incredible song.
I was not terribly impressed with their first single off of the Hulk soundtrack. Their second single, Slither, was better but still not doing it for me, but this one is great.
It's a very pretty, melodic tune, very much in the 70's power ballad vein. 70's power ballads are not normally my thing, but somehow, this one succeeds where all the others failed. Weiland just belts out the chorus, with it's beautiful and sad falling melody and it's odd meter, and just sells it.
Like Robert Downy Jr., Scott Weiland is an incredible artist struggling with powerful addictions, and it frequently allows him to transform songs (both old STP songs, and now songs with VR) that would otherwise be rather unnotable from any other artist.
I don't know if anybody's heard the rest of the album, but if you have, please chime in. This one song has got me interested in picking it up.
Their second single, Slither, was better but still not doing it for me, but this one is great.
It sounds almost exactly like a Stone Temple Pilots song, but I can't place with one.
Wow, Jon, you really hate that guy who has the show after yours. He's obviously annoying the crap out of you.
It sounds almost exactly like a Stone Temple Pilots song
I think that's why I was unimpressed by both the earlier songs... Slither sounds like an STP tune, but somehow not as good, and the one from the Hulk soundtrack sounded a lot like a GnR tune.
Fall To Pieces is the first song that sounds like they're trying to find their own, new voice.
This is all I know of Velvet Revolver: [link]
I love Frank Kozik's posters--I have a book of 'em.
edit: Kozik poster at above link.
Now playing: Jesus and Mary Chain Psychocandy. Is this one of the best albums of the late '80s or what?
Yeah, Weiland's a good singer, but he's a really crappy person. And I loved the subheading that pissed him off so much:
They're clean, sober, and ready to rock the world. So who did former GN'R members Slash, Duff, and Matt pick to front their new band ? Velvet Revolver ? ex-Stone Temple Pilot Scott Weiland. Of course. The biggest f**k-up of them all.
Good question.
Jesus and Mary Chain Psychocandy. Is this one of the best albums of the late '80s or what?
HELLS yeah, tommy.
I'll second that on Psychocandy.
On an unrelated note, Kozik's personally declared the poster I did for the Kinks tribute band (the one I sent DX) to be the ugliest thing he'd ever seen on Gigposters.com. Kozik hates my sense of humor!
My conversation with Emmett this morning.
[as I'm putting in a CD for our commute]
"Awww. I wanted to hear KFOG."
Me: "Okay."
[upon hearing a generic folky pitching some benefit]
"Uh, actually that CD is okay. I'd rather hear some rock and roll."
Me: "You would? Well, I do happen to have a really rocking compilation here. The Rough Trade rock and roll comp."
Emmett: "Can you turn it up full blast?"
Me: "Yep, for a little bit anyway."
[cranks up Iggy's "I Got A Right" to 11]
Emmett: "That. Was a really great song. I could feel it in my chest."