I read the new LKH at B&N last night.
Everyone's right. The sex is pretty boring. And that's all it is is sex, sex, sex. And if the point of all this sex is for Merry to get pregnant ASAP, why doesn't she have some fucking ovulation thermomaters, et., hanging around? And yo, maybe someone could clue the "most modern" of the sidhe into the fact that there a short window in which a woman can get preggers, and it's nail-downable?
And if the Goddess is using her as her avatar, why doesn't she just do a fertility ritual on herself. She is dscended from doodly-squat fertility goddesses.
It's silly. And there's fucking typos EVERYWHERE.
And if the Goddess is using her as her avatar
Oh, blessed, again? The last Anita Blake I bothered to read was hinting that Anita was specially chosen to face off against the queen of the vampires or whoever that was in that vision.
Merry and Anita are pretty interchangable at this point.
It's all just supernatural fuckery.
And if the point of all this sex is for Merry to get pregnant ASAP, why doesn't she have some fucking ovulation thermomaters, et., hanging around?
Maybe sidhe aren't like humans on that point?
(Does Merry *ever* have her period?)
Maybe sidhe aren't like humans on that point?
Yeah, I thought of that, but I think the natural cycle should at least be addressed, if it's that big of a plot point.
And no, heroines don't bleed, unless it's from a gunshot wound or stabby thing, which is always gotten in Saving the World or The Hero.
Although it seems LKH would have written some gory 8-some mentrual were-vamp-arduer thing. But apparently Anita AND Merry just come at the thought of giving head, and never receive it.
That's another thing that bugs me: this rhapsodic attention to giving head and swallowing. I mean, we don't need a 12 page ode to the joys of oral in EVERY fucking book now.
We know they love, love, love sucking dick. Shut UP about it, already, LKH.
All of a sudden the paragraph I give that sentiment in my own book doesn't seem excessive at all.
And I said it for political reasons.
I'm down with the dick sucking, yo.
But it only needs a sentence of fulsome gushing.
If the amount of pages devoted to the joys of fellatio are twice as long as the average penis, maybe that's a clue to