Personally, I think that the negative here is actually the positive-- the wide variety of ways that Buffistas approach TV and discussion and even daily life is the thing that makes this board a wonderful place to spend time. Like always, we'll vote on this issue and then try whatever gets the majority vote--and that will work better for the majority than the minority, but in the end we'll work it out.
I'm with the super sexy Scrappy. It doesn't make me sad that Different People Like Different Shit. I'm fairly confident that the board really truly seriously
to accommodate as many people as possible but it's never going to be 100% and that's okay.
Instead of sad, I actually feel heartened by this discussion because it's heartfelt and serious and thoughtful and respectful and I like that about us.
But now I've lost my clarity on the matter. I'm just not sure.
It's funny, I had contemplated proposing a W&P thread before but hesitated because I thought it would get shot down.
I don't think it's a chasm or a case of some board members being pushed somewhere so much as different styles. I don't see anything other than personal preferences bumping up against each other, which happens in any group of more than, well, one person--it doesn't feel to me like a huge difference in the board itself.
Okay, "unspannable chasm" is voerstating it. But it does seem to me that there are a couple of unresolved issues that crop up over and over again, and that maybe if we could just find a sideways to come at them, we could resolve these issues.
And I sometimes wonder (especially after this conversation) if we aren't invisibly beholden to our past in ways that are complicating these issues.
if we aren't invisibly beholden to our past in ways that are complicating these issues.
We call that "board culture."
And I think Kat might be on to something, as far as no longer including a "No Opinion" choice. I'm abstaining from the vote completely.
I don't know that that's the answer either, though. I've voted no preference on issues before because *I* have no particular preference and would like to throw my support to the majority. If I knew what the majority of people that do have a preference for this particular issue wanted, I would vote that way. But, since I don't, I will probably vote no preference so that I will count toward the minimum number of votes needed, while the people that do have a preference can be the deciders. Not caring what the outcome is doesn't translate to me not caring whether there is an outcome or not. Does that make sense?
Not caring what the outcome is doesn't translate to me not caring whether there is an outcome or not. Does that make sense?
Absolutely. But for me, on this issue specifically, I feel so Not Involved In This Specific Issue that I don't feel right even voting No Preference.
Oh, I wasn't questioning your decision not to vote at all, Sean. I was addressing the suggestion to not have no preference as option to those who wanted it as one.
I don't understand how having a separate thread could ever be exclusionary if everyone who wants to join can.
Personally, as someone who is in Boxed Set and watches SPN? Because I am never going to watch those other shows in the first place otherwise. I watch things when I read interesting discussions about them and people intrigue me.
I have two new shows to catch eps of because an unboard person burbled in lj and got my interest.
I watched BSG because of the board and discussion in Boxed Set. And Eureka. And Dresden. And SGA. And got back into SG-1. And, even, Supernatural.
Would the people feeling like SPN can't be removed from Boxed Set no longer post in Boxed Set if SPN is removed? Or would they have two conversations--one about SPN in that thread, and one about other Boxed Set shows?
Not as any kind of protest, but when I run out of time, I unsubscribe from threads I care less about. And so, yeah, I probably would rarely be back in Boxed Set. Now when I am skimming through the shows in Boxed Set that I don't really watch, I still catch bits and conversations get my attention and I stop to read them.
Not as any kind of protest, but when I run out of time, I unsubscribe from threads I care less about. And so, yeah, I probably would rarely be back in Boxed Set.
I meant to agree with Plei earlier when she said something similar, but this is where I would be as well. The only other show from Boxed Set I watch right now is Eureka, and that has a short enough season that it will be over before most new shows start. Straight SFF just doesn't do much for me, and in all honesty, after all of this, I'm not completely sure I'd even be comfortable in Boxed Set anyway.
Then again SPN is not Heroes, and so we can't assume that an SPN thread would fall quiet just because a Heroes thread has. In its favor, SPN generates a lot of discussion of fic, so it may well create more sustained discussion during reruns.
SPN has been in reruns all summer and it's still dominating Boxed Set with sustained discussion. Why would it be any different in its own thread?