Voting Discussion: We're Screwing In Light Bulbs AIFG!
We open it up, we talks the talk, we votes, we shuts it down. This thread is to free up Bureaucracy for daily details as we hammer out the Big Issues towards a vote. Open only when a proposal has been made and seconded according to Buffista policy (Which we voted on!). If this thread is closed, hie thee to Bureaucracy instead!
Not as any kind of protest, but when I run out of time, I unsubscribe from threads I care less about. And so, yeah, I probably would rarely be back in Boxed Set.
I meant to agree with Plei earlier when she said something similar, but this is where I would be as well. The only other show from Boxed Set I watch right now is Eureka, and that has a short enough season that it will be over before most new shows start. Straight SFF just doesn't do much for me, and in all honesty, after all of this, I'm not completely sure I'd even be comfortable in Boxed Set anyway.
Then again SPN is not Heroes, and so we can't assume that an SPN thread would fall quiet just because a Heroes thread has. In its favor, SPN generates a lot of discussion of fic, so it may well create more sustained discussion during reruns.
SPN has been in reruns all summer and it's still dominating Boxed Set with sustained discussion. Why would it be any different in its own thread?
I'm in the same boat with Cass and Lee with regard to giving new-to-me shows a look because someone in Boxed Set is enthusiastic about a show I don't watch. And this:
Not as any kind of protest, but when I run out of time, I unsubscribe from threads I care less about. And so, yeah, I probably would rarely be back in Boxed Set.
and this:
in all honesty, after all of this, I'm not completely sure I'd even be comfortable in Boxed Set anyway.
So right now, whether or not I ever use either thread myself I'd vote to get the elephant into its own thread just so it stops kludgeing up Boxed Set for other people.
I never went into Boxed Set until I realized SPN discussion was centered there. As much as I would like to start watching Eureka, I probably won't for a while, so I would unsubscribe to Boxed Set, too.
That's just me, though. As I said, SPN was the only reason I subscribed in the first place.
It doesn't make me sad that Different People Like Different Shit. I'm fairly confident that the board really truly seriously tries to accommodate as many people as possible but it's never going to be 100% and that's okay.
Instead of sad, I actually feel heartened by this discussion because it's heartfelt and serious and thoughtful and respectful and I like that about us.
All that stuff he said. It is giving me a feeling of odd that I hesitate so much to express my feelings about not being comfortable in Boxed Set because it may make another Buffista uncomfortable in Boxed Set. Maybe more than odd, yeah sad.
I watched BSG because of the board and discussion in Boxed Set. And Eureka. And Dresden. And SGA. And got back into SG-1. And, even, Supernatural.
Would the people feeling like SPN can't be removed from Boxed Set no longer post in Boxed Set if SPN is removed? Or would they have two conversations--one about SPN in that thread, and one about other Boxed Set shows?
Not as any kind of protest, but when I run out of time, I unsubscribe from threads I care less about. And so, yeah, I probably would rarely be back in Boxed Set.
I'm really trying to not be obtuse, but I kind of don't get this. Would you stop watching those other shows you picked up? Why? I get the time issue, but it sounds like there's more to it than that. Is the [thread where you discuss SPN] the only place you're open to discovering new shows? I know that's not it, but it kind of sounds that way.
in all honesty, after all of this, I'm not completely sure I'd even be comfortable in Boxed Set anyway.
I hate seeing this. And I remember how traumatic the creation of Boxed Set was for me and I think a number of other Due South folks. So I do kind of understand. But - gah. I don't want to be saying "your feelings of being unwelcome are invalid." But I'm really not sure I get where all the defensiveness is coming from.
It makes me both sad and happy that Buffistas Like Different Shit, but it's frustrating watching this conversation as a mostly Outsider because I can't help but wonder just how much the people more directly involved in this are aware that there are two very different, mostly incompatible ways of using the board going up against each other.
Personally, as someone who is in Boxed Set and watches SPN? Because I am never going to watch those other shows in the first place otherwise. I watch things when I read interesting discussions about them and people intrigue me.
This is probably how most people feel about this, too, but just in case I'm not the only person who feels differently, I'm going to throw out yet another opposing viewpoint.
When I get overwhelmed with posts about a show, I lose whatever interest I may have had in ever watching it. I've seen two episodes of SPN, one with a bunch of happy people and one on my tv alone. I even bought the 1st season DVDs a while back, but now I have zero interest in ever seeing it again. (I am blaming no one! I'm happy that they're happy.) I'm the same with BSG. I once thought I'd go back and catch up, but after it drowned out discussion of Dresden Files, I'm sick of it. It may have been only a "brief" time that it was overwhelming (four months is brief?), but that brief time covered an entire season of a show I loved, that may not come back, and I'm still kinda pissed that it kept me from talking much about it with my favorite people. If I'm the only one who ever feels this way, okay then, but if I'm not, this is the downside of "cross-pollination".
Conversely, the discussion of (for instance) Dr. Who hasn't overwhelmed me, and I'm still looking forward to watching the whole series. Even though I'm totally spoiled. By the time I get 'round to it I'll have forgotten most of it anyway.
Aw, Laura. I hate you're being made uncomfortable.
As long as we're kind--or at least polite--while we're being honest, and really listen and make sure we understand what's being said, rather than what we think is being said, I think that's all we can do. Somebody's going to have to give up something they want in every negotiation. But it's important--I think, anyway--to figure out if getting what I want impinges too much on what other people want, and how many other people. It's not possible to make everybody happy all the time. All we can do is try to make the most people happy most of the time.
Or something.
Even though I'm totally spoiled. By the time I get 'round to it I'll have forgotten most of it anyway.
Hee. This is why I read all the whitefont. Sometimes having no memory is an advantage.
{{Bev}} Thanks. It sucks that we can't please all the people all the time, but really if we all agreed about everything all the time it would limit discussion, and we wouldn't want that!