Y'all see the man hanging out of the spaceship with the really big gun? Now I'm not saying you weren't easy to find. It was kinda out of our way, and he didn't want to come in the first place. Man's lookin' to kill some folk. So really it's his will y'all should worry about thwarting.

Mal ,'Safe'

Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

DavidS - Feb 21, 2024 8:27:21 pm PST #28798 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

But I still have nothing left for him, emotionally. Not anymore. I guess what I really need is an extra helping of grace so that I can extend some grace to him and get through this to whatever might help him.

That's a tough place to be. I hope they find a magic pill that will stop him from having psychotic delusions. But mostly I wish he wasn't such a constant source of stress in your life.

The thing is, it's not like he was a warm loving thoughtful kind father his whole life who changed with dementia. He's always been pretty shitty.

It seems clear he needs to be in some sort of assisted living situation because this can't keep falling to you and your brother.

-t - Feb 21, 2024 9:16:07 pm PST #28799 of 30000
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

I’m so sorry, Tep

And sarameg. But grateful for your insights.

Calli - Feb 22, 2024 3:49:13 am PST #28800 of 30000
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs

I wish I could see more things.

I hope you get the chance to do so soon. I know it’s complex, though.

Sorry Steph. That sort of thing is hard enough when you have a well of good history and feelings to draw on. Much grace~ma to you.

Tom Scola - Feb 22, 2024 5:30:55 am PST #28801 of 30000
Mr. Scola’s wardrobe by Botany 500

Happy Birthday, Laura!!!

JenP - Feb 22, 2024 5:41:10 am PST #28802 of 30000

Is it Laura Day??? Yay, Laura Day!

May you enjoy a fabulous, sunny, beachy day with some delicious food and wonderful company. And cake. Happy Birthday!

Laura - Feb 22, 2024 5:53:40 am PST #28803 of 30000
Our wings are not tired.

Thank you! I am super excited about being 70. Seriously! I'm about to go across the street with SIL and DH and have a mimosa on the beach.

{{Buffistas dealing with parent issues}} Parenting your parents sucks for all concerned.

JenP - Feb 22, 2024 6:01:27 am PST #28804 of 30000

I am super excited about being 70. Seriously! I'm about to go across the street with SIL and DH and have a mimosa on the beach.

That's exactly the kind of thing I was hoping for!

Steph L. - Feb 22, 2024 6:18:40 am PST #28805 of 30000
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Happy Birthday, Laura! Enjoy that mimosa!

bennett - Feb 22, 2024 6:23:45 am PST #28806 of 30000

One thing I read about dealing with parents with dementia - it's not like children who you're trying to teach good behavior or ethical treatment or something like that. Sometimes it's just best to lie to them. It's not like they're going to learn.

I must say, it goes against the grain but there it is.

Matt the Bruins fan - Feb 22, 2024 6:49:12 am PST #28807 of 30000
"You should never say bad things about the dead, only good… Joan Crawford is dead. Good.” —Bette Davis

Happy Birthday Laura!