In Natter:
tommyrot: It was obvious this would happen, but perhaps this might be a good story to forward to those opposed to the "ground-zero mosque":
“By preventing this mosque from being built, America is doing us a big favor,” Taliban operative Zabihullah tells NEWSWEEK. (Like many Afghans, he uses a single name.) “It’s providing us with more recruits, donations, and popular support.”
Jessica: I hate to say "We told you so," but...
Gudanov: I'm sure the people opposing the mosque could say they the extremists are just saying that so that we'll be tricked into building the mosque. Of course, then the other side could say they know we know they are trying to trick us so they are just telling the truth. Of course they may know we know they know...
Steph L.: The Taliban built up a tolerance to iocaine powder.
Jessica: So you're saying we should build TWO mosques?
smonster in Natter, context be damned:
Won't someone think of the hungry pregnant demons?
in Natter, megan walker's solution to pesky fruit flies:
Step 1: Open a bottle of wine, red or white.
Step 2: Drink wine (leaving about 1/2 an inch at the bottom of the bottle).
Step 3: Leave open bottle of wine out near where flies congregate.
Step 4: Be amazed at how little flies get trapped inside and can't get out. Aaaawww, poor flies.
Step 5: Laugh.
Step 6: Profit?
More of a warm smile at than anything spewed on.
I am the cat who walks alone and all places are the same to me.
Stephanie, in Natter re: Ayn Rand:
I wouldn't take dating advice from her either.
Daisy Jane, in Music, no context needed:
Knowing may be half the battle, but knowing buffistas will win it!
In Bitches, summing us up nicely.
Being a Buffista means never having to say "Am I the only one who misread that?"
Daisy Jane:
And yet, saying it anyway.