I walk. I talk. I shop, I sneeze. I'm gonna be a fireman when the floods roll back. There's trees in the desert since you moved out. And I don't sleep on a bed of bones.

Buffy ,'Chosen'

Coffee On My Monitor Again

This thread is for Buffista quotage. Posts that are profound, witty, or otherwise deserving of immortality go here. This is also Shrift's source for the BRQG, so be aware that if your words end up here, they'll also end up there. Finally, please note which thread spawned the quotage and please white-out anything that might be spoilery to Un-Americans.

Trudy Booth - Jan 18, 2010 8:02:57 am PST #351 of 1328
Greece's financial crisis threatens to take down all of Western civilization - a civilization they themselves founded. A rather tragic irony - which is something they also invented. - Jon Stewart

Sophia Brooks: Is the Hadron Collider named after a person named Hadron? Because I cannot stop reading it as the Hardon collider and am wondering if Mr. or Ms. Hadron have that problem with the name.

amych: A hadron is a kind of particle. But you're so not the first to think that (note that largehardoncollider.com is NSFW)

Sophia Brooks: That makes more sense, amych. I was thinking that in naming something with Large and Collider, they should have avoided using Mr. Hardon's name


And because Sophia was on a roll...

ETA: I found out, after about a year of speaking is LOLcat phrases at work that NO ONE KNOW WHAT A LOLCAT WAS!!! And they must have thought I was completely crazy for saying things like "I can has copy paper?"

Ailleann - Jan 21, 2010 9:35:53 am PST #352 of 1328
vanguard of the socialist Hollywood liberal homosexualist agenda

Matt the Bruins Fan in Movies, on taglines:

Michael Caine: Yes, That's Me in Your Wedding Video

Frankenbuddha - Jan 22, 2010 7:33:15 pm PST #353 of 1328
"We are the Goon Squad and we're coming to town...Beep! Beep!" - David Bowie, "Fashion"

Zenkitty - in Cable Drama - context be damned:

But you know... man walks down the street with hair like Mary Tyler Moore, you know he ain't afraid of anything.

Zenkitty - Jan 23, 2010 7:25:16 am PST #354 of 1328
Every now and then, I think I might actually be a little odd.

Ginger, musing in Natter:

I don't think I need a "Dog Inside" sign. Any rescuer entering the house will notice the dog biting his ankle.

Trudy Booth - Jan 23, 2010 10:16:36 pm PST #355 of 1328
Greece's financial crisis threatens to take down all of Western civilization - a civilization they themselves founded. A rather tragic irony - which is something they also invented. - Jon Stewart

sarameg: Morning is stupid.

DCJensen - Jan 24, 2010 7:11:22 pm PST #356 of 1328
All is well that ends in pizza.

From Natter:

Sophia Brooks: Why does Harry Chapin's "Cat's in the Cradle" make me cry? I am not a father, nor a son, nor did my mother ignore me in favor of her job. But still, I weep.

Amy:I think they passed a law in the 1970s that it has to make you cry or ... you lose.

Zenkitty - Jan 26, 2010 4:18:35 pm PST #357 of 1328
Every now and then, I think I might actually be a little odd.

In Natter, weighing in on the ban of D&D in prisons:

Calli: Yeah, without D&D the inmates will be all, "This isn't quite optimal, but I guess I'll linger quietly for a bit."

Aims: See, the prison officials are thinking about it all wrong. What they should do is make prison a big, giant LARP. Assign characters on their way in, they get character points for doing good things, lose karma points for doing bad things, and if they want to shank a motherfucker, they gotta roll initiative with a -20.

smonster - Jan 27, 2010 6:09:37 am PST #358 of 1328
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

smonster - Jan 27, 2010 6:10:25 am PST #359 of 1328
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

In Bitches, Aims models self-acceptance:

Put yer cheesecake in the air!
And eat it like you just don't care!
And now somebody!
Everybody scream "FUCK OFF! The BMI is not an appropriate measure of health!"

Fred Pete - Jan 27, 2010 7:50:30 am PST #360 of 1328
Ann, that's a ferret.

Connie Neil gets nostalgic in Natter:

I miss straightforward, wholesome songs like "Let's Get It On."