In Bitches
Why can't sweet sensible people end up with other sweet sensible people and the psychos date each other?
Hey, it can happen. Aims and I ended up together...
...and somewhere out there, there are two sweet sensible people who may have found each other as well.
Tell me I'm wrong. I dare you.
You're wrong.
Okay, now mean it.
C'mon, we've always said it's a good thing we found each other because nobody else was as uniquely suited to put up with each others' crap as we are.
He reads comics and collects toys; she reads and writes Harry Potter fic. Together, they fight crime! Very specifically weird crime.
connie neil:
Hubby and I say we married each other to spare two innocent souls the grief of living with us.
Jilli, Voice of Reason:
Every now and then, single male friends of mine will lament that they can't find nice, sane goth girls. "Like you, Jilli!" I then laugh and laugh at them, and explain that no, I'm not sane. It's just that Pete and I are well matched in crazycakes.