That was definitely a super-enjoyable episode. They even had Sam lampshade my one nitpick! (What, someone's been paying the utility bills on a bunker that's been abandoned for decades?)
Dean's appreciation of all the luxuries makes me really want to see him go undercover as someone's kept man for a hunt. Maybe Gertrude Case could guest star again?
So, of course the gay thing. While people (the Feathers For Castiel people in this isntance)crow about the complete appropriate nature of telling the writers and directors how they want the story to go, there were these tweets:
So Sad what your doing to DW character. The woman loving BA hunter is reduced to this now?
813 had such huge potential not sure what your doing to DW but it sucks. Your mucking around with his sexuality now. SAD!
from the same idiot.
I think it's amazing how the perfectly normal appalled response to this gets pulled through this filter, though:
Guys, seriously - whether you ship or don’t ship and whether you stan for bi Dean or you don’t, this is legit disgusting and let’s all please just show support for the direction the things are going, because it’s could be hella important and it means a lot, at least to me personally. Yeah? : )
It's not quite on the level of "English people can get gay married now??/ Yay John/Sherlock!!!!" fans who seemed pretty unclear on where the bill was in the process, and maybe also that there are real people for whom this will actually make a difference to their lives.
This was a pretty lampshadey episode. Where's the power come from? The water? Where are the recurring characters who will not appear this episode and how do we feel about that? etc. To which: props for running down the checklist.
I wonder if the "I survived the Holocaust and here is my continuing fight against the shadowy Nazi evil" plotline will be retired anytime ever, or what it will mutate into when it's officially too late for there to be any survivors in the current timeline.
So the key's Mordor *and* the treasures it unlocks are in the same place? I'm a bit confused. Disappointed by a literal key, but accepting that and moving on--what were the instructions/directions that Larry gave Sam? To go to those coordinates, fine--but what is the action that renders the key inaccessible from everyone forever?
And unless I misunderstood part of the motivations last week, shouldn't those two locations be on opposite poles?
I also really enjoyed this SPN. My only thought is peripheral. When I realized this was going to be Golem themed, my mind jumped to "A Golem, a clay man - like Gumby. Hey - Gumby was a Golem. A wee badly sculpted Golem. That explains a lot." Which says absolutely nothing about the episode but ....
I've now got a yen for xover SPN/Gumby crack fic where Gumby is a Golem...
So I'm reading one of the Bisexual!Dean position papers I mentioned yesterday, and I think her method of reaching the point is overtalky and kind of not actually established. But then I came to this line:
And what else does Dean crave but emotional connections? Remember, it’s certainly not sex Dean was craving while under the influence of Famine.
Did I miss a fandom meeting? We've agreed Dean was having cravings? Emo cravings?
She really needed to use Nick the siren right there. Totally would have fit the argument of the paragraph. But he doesn't seem to even come up. Disappointing fanwanking, seriously. Just because the writers are tossing us crumbs doesn't mean you don't still have to work for it! Sheesh.
I don't recall Dean craving anything under Famine's influence. Didn't the show make a point of that, in fact?
Didn't the show make a point of that, in fact?
It was slightly his arc in the episode, so I really really have no idea how this is substantiating her point when you could slip the siren into the facts and they make more sense than the scene she chose.
Now, I'd love to see canon stating that Dean is bi, but I did not get that out of this ep. I saw him being uncomfortable to being cruised by a dude (and while the stumbling after said cruising could point to him being lustfully flustered, the purportedly lustful party did not inspire Dr. Sexy levels of desireableness), which leads me to think Dean's stumbling was due to sheer awkwardness.
Then him declaring to Sam about his "gay thing" expressed merely an acceptance of gayness existing, and him being okay with that in a broad sense.
So, no Dean bi-sexual evidence for me, although I'm much happier about his reaction here than in the past (e.g. to the club S&M dude in Cris Angel is a Douchebag, and to the vamp before he got turned, and even then it wasn't homophobia, but situational awkwardness and trying to put off a generally creepy dude).
But, yes, want to see Dean as someone's kept boy.