breeding the best monster killers EVER
I have a whole outsider POV story in my head called Building the Perfect Hunter now.
I'll type up the list of songs and then anyone who wants it can let me know. And I'll ... try to remember how to zip up a file like that.
I would be interested in the playlists, if you're posting.
Sure, Vortex!
Here's the Sam playlist, just so you know.
Memory Motel, the Stones
Forgiveness, Diane Birch
My Old School, Steely Dan
California Stars, Billy Bragg and Wilco
I Want Blood, Empires
Friend of the Devil, Counting Crows
Ballad for Dead Friends, Dashboard Prophets
Home, Foo Fighters
Sleep, My Chemical Romance
New Kid in Town, the Eagles
Somebody Saved Me, Elton John
People Who Died, Jim Carroll
California Sex Lawyer, Fountains of Wayne
The Dean one is on a MP3 player that is in a box somewhere at the moment, sadly. I'm sorry, Dean! I think I'll make a new one anyway.
Okay, with the new job and other things, I'm not on top of this. But I will be by the weekend.
Also, I'll be having Ben Edlund's babies now. That was awesome.
If you did not think Batcave when they turned the lights on, you have no soul.
Dean in the "dead man robe" was priceless.
I really love everything about this new twist. It's miles away from where they started, but it still fits, in my mind. And it's a more interesting direction than another apocalypse, another big bad, blah blah.
Plus, I can't get the Campbell/Winchester thing out of my head now, and it really is true. Sam with his books and note cards, Dean with his whiskey and his feet up. I love it.
I loved the boys in the Batcave.
And I agree: this was a really good and interesting way to expand the verse.
God, I forgot! HAL LINDEN! I love him.
I panicked for a second when Dean put the beers back--but the went for the hard stuff. A-okay with me.
I have to go to bed!
So more tomorrow. Enjoyed, liked, and damn if Carver isn't Putting Things Into Canon left right and center, and also the word/concept "legacy" is about to be my "Handsome man! Saved me from the monsters!"
I get it They have a legacy. People who are just coming through have a legacy...legacy.
Also, Sam got his geek panties wet there. I think he's a bit Amelia who? Surely she can come visit,
So, cool.
One odd thing I wish they hadn't edited past--showing Aaron write his name on the slip in Hebrew would have been sweet as all hell.
And now I have to edit my tumblr post where I called him by the actor's name...
OH AND HE HAS A GAY THING, AND NOT ALL THAT DISTURBED BY THE GAY OF IT--I expect to see everyone's Bisexual!Dean position papers updated by the morning.