So I'm reading one of the Bisexual!Dean position papers I mentioned yesterday, and I think her method of reaching the point is overtalky and kind of not actually established. But then I came to this line:
And what else does Dean crave but emotional connections? Remember, it’s certainly not sex Dean was craving while under the influence of Famine.
Did I miss a fandom meeting? We've agreed Dean was having cravings? Emo cravings?
She really needed to use Nick the siren right there. Totally would have fit the argument of the paragraph. But he doesn't seem to even come up. Disappointing fanwanking, seriously. Just because the writers are tossing us crumbs doesn't mean you don't still have to work for it! Sheesh.
I don't recall Dean craving anything under Famine's influence. Didn't the show make a point of that, in fact?
Didn't the show make a point of that, in fact?
It was slightly his arc in the episode, so I really really have no idea how this is substantiating her point when you could slip the siren into the facts and they make more sense than the scene she chose.
Now, I'd love to see canon stating that Dean is bi, but I did not get that out of this ep. I saw him being uncomfortable to being cruised by a dude (and while the stumbling after said cruising could point to him being lustfully flustered, the purportedly lustful party did not inspire Dr. Sexy levels of desireableness), which leads me to think Dean's stumbling was due to sheer awkwardness.
Then him declaring to Sam about his "gay thing" expressed merely an acceptance of gayness existing, and him being okay with that in a broad sense.
So, no Dean bi-sexual evidence for me, although I'm much happier about his reaction here than in the past (e.g. to the club S&M dude in Cris Angel is a Douchebag, and to the vamp before he got turned, and even then it wasn't homophobia, but situational awkwardness and trying to put off a generally creepy dude).
But, yes, want to see Dean as someone's kept boy.
For the record, I wouldn't have been too keen on having the Chief or skeezy vampire Judah Friedlander-alike hit on me either, and I'm pretty sure homophobia isn't at the root of that reaction.
what were the instructions/directions that Larry gave Sam? To go to those coordinates, fine--but what is the action that renders the key inaccessible from everyone forever?
Larry instructed Sam to "take it to these coordinates, throw it in, shut the door forever, walk away." Presumably locking the only key in there makes it inaccessible.
P.S. I heart this episode so fucking much. That is all.
It does seem a little unlikely that a) no one has ever found it before, and b) there is NO way in without the key. Unless it's protected by spells, I guess.
Mostly I don't care, though, because I loved this episode so much. SO much.
Hey, who was it who said "Dean's about as straight as a slinky"? I mean, someone on the cast or crew said that, right?
It does seem a little unlikely that a) no one has ever found it before, and b) there is NO way in without the key
Right now, all we have is a building. For all that Sam knows that if there is a key there needs to be a lock there's a remarkable blurring of Mordor and Erebor right now. We have no hint of most of what Larry said--the "supernatural motherlode" is so far a library--I'm not getting off them that Sam found magic, for instance. Or the fortress. They did find a great sooper secret HQ, but they've undersold on Larry's pitch.
I ran the Aaron scene back through a filter of a guy who's dating a guy but hasn't realised other guys would find him a plausible partner. He does not shut down the conversation or indicate that his orientation renders these advances undesirable. And there's absolutely no reason to speak to this guy for two seconds, but he totally does for quite a while.
I'm glad we didn't get the "I'm homophobic, but why don't you want me???" schtick. Grateful.
Amy--I never found a citation for that quote, just a self-feeding loop of tumblr entries. Jensen said he might have hustled his body for money, and Misha said he's a bottom, but Misha's word is worth approximately minus seven.