Go, Kristin!
Go, vw!
Go nephews, sj!
He went upstairs to get his sister when she woke up a few minutes ago and I can hear him saying, "OK, Owibia, take a hold of my hand" as they walk down the stairs.
Go, Owen! You just made my day.
Thanks for the ~ma, everyone.
Bonny, in your shoes, I would be feeling anxious because it seems like one of those situations in which if you could just figure what the magic words that work on the landlord will be (which may be different than those of any other landlord in any other story you have heard) you could cause the outcome to be what you want. But you have no assurance of having those exact, right, perfect words. There's an illusion of control, and the fear that if you cannot control the situation sufficiently it is because you somehow deserve it, because you somehow are inadequate.
ETA: If this is what you are experiencing, even though you know how to pick apart those self-defeating bits of not-truth, they still plague even the strongest and wisest of us.
I hope your today is loads better than yesterday.
Yeah, I was pretty tired when we got home last night around 7:30. I'm also pretty tired today - I suppose leftover stress from yesterday. Supposedly they caught the guy and he only got $3K from the robbery.
I love the Owen story. So cute to see how nice he is to his sister.
I am having a moment of irrational anger. I would like it to go away.
(Passive aggressive, ungrateful student was, as usual, being passive aggressive and ungrateful. I guess it's not irrational anger, more like pointless, useless anger.)
Sorry, I edited and made you look crazy.
Sorry, I edited and made you look crazy.
You don't have to edit to make her look crazy.
t ducks and runs like the Hounds of Hell are on his heels
You don't have to edit to make her look crazy.
t narrows eyes
t buys two great danes
t names them "Fuck" and "Off".
The little shit had the audacity to ask in an exceptionally passive aggressive manner if "all of our essays should be in our mailboxes by now." She turned her paper in on Tuesday. I had to grade 53 of these suckers, and she KNOWS it. Then she made it worse. I smiled (bared my teeth would be more accurate, perhaps) and said, "Yes, they are all in your boxes." And what did she do? Push it.
"I checked my box and it wasn't there."
So you think I'm making this shit up? Perhaps
check your friggin' box again
before accusing your teacher of lying. How about that? "The essays are all in your boxes," I repeated.
"Did you put them in recently?"
This kid has a history of this shit. I'm so over it.
t /rant
eta: This?
buys two great danes
names them "Fuck" and "Off"
Is a thing of beauty.
I killed the thread with my rant. I'm sorry. Come back!