And you can tempt the twins with less dangerous fun. Like, say, with profit.
"Here twins, take this chest of valuable magical gewgaws and go figure out a way to off V."
::in chorus::
"Why didn't you say so!"
"Hagrid, the world depends on you using all your skills and abilities to defeat V."
"Well, I'd love to help but the giant vipers I've got nesting in the girl's bathroom are about to hatch. They need me!"
Someone tell me to get my motivation moving and actually load the tools I need in my car and point it towards San Diego.
Someone tell me to get my motivation moving and actually load the tools I need in my car and point it towards San Diego.
Here NoiseDesign, take this chest of valuable amplifiers and patch cables, and go figure out a way to San Diego.
I'm really excited about the possibility of this grad school experience.
Here, ND, have a margarita.
Should I really have a margarita before driving 150 miles?
Should I really have a margarita before driving 150 miles?
Well, you can't really have it
you're driving, now can you?
Well, no. But, well, I got nothin'.
I'll also be operating power tools when I arrive down there. Maybe I'll save the drinking for when I'm piloting a plane or something more sane.