Hagrid is no more dangerous to his friends than the Weasley twins--and with less malice.
::snuggles up next to Robin::
Speaking of names, I got lucky with Sara. My mom's name is Sara (though, being a child of the fifties, she was always Sally), but so is Sara Crewe's, the one character that inspired me to name a child after her. My mom doesn't know that part, though.
Everyone seems to assume that Esme (one of Lillian's middle names) is a Pratchett nod, when it's actually a family name I've wanted to use on a child since sometime in the 80s, before I'd every heard of, let alone read, Pratchett.
That said, the association's not at all a negative one, and may be why Paul agreed to the name in the first place.
My girls will be tortured with the middle name of Rae. And they'll like it.
You can't make Hagrid less dangerous, but you can make the twins less dangerous.
But Hagrid wants to be less dangerous and the twins enjoy it.
That said, the association's not at all a negative one, and may be why Paul agreed to the name in the first place.
Her eyes are just as piercing as the Pratchett Esme's, that's for sure.
Our next girl will be Margaret. Who will called "Maggie" by me, and "Magrat" by Joe.
I gave K-Bug my middle name. I didn't have one until I turned 18 and I liked it enough to share.
But Hagrid wants to be less dangerous and the twins enjoy it.
Hagrid's wants don't much affect his reality. And you can tempt the twins with less dangerous fun. Like, say, with profit.
Looking forward to the arrival of [name] Stilgar Moon-Bone.
Which is a fine name.