It looks like hysterectomy is a definite possibility--have any bitches had one?
I haven’t, but I did have the surgery to have the fibroids removed, and it was really helpful. It’s a mini-csection basically. I recovered in about two weeks, but I think that was because for the first week, I did nothing I mean, a big day for me was moving from the bed to the chair to watch TV. I stayed at my mom’s house and got waited on. It was kind of nice. Until she wouldn’t let me take a shower :)
Robin, my sister was recently diagnosed with fibroids and is bombarded with options for management and treatment. It's a rough place. I hope whatever you opt to do goes as smoothly as possible.
Feel free to pass along my contact info. I’ve had a few different treatments, so I can discuss the options with her from a patient perspective.
Thank you everyone for the good wishes! I go get ultrasounded tomorrow and then to the doctor's in two weeks to figure out what to do, so I'll know more then.
Watch out, the gel is cold, and they don't warm it up for you.
I'm thinking she's gonna get an internal.
t shudders
My mom had a hysterectomy for fibroids many years back and, as everyone else has said, it was a rough recovery because abdominal surgery is never a picnic but the relief of having all the awful symptoms gone like
was incredible. And I don't think her seriously girly bits were impaired afterwards. Though I'm not sure because she is, after all, my mom, which means that even though she is in fact a slightly bawdy Wife of Bathish lady who has made cheerful reference to orgasms on occasion, I haven't heard the details because I've been too busy digging my fingers in my ears and saying
lalala I can't hear you you're my mom and you are NOT TELLING ME THIS.
But, yes, apparently little impairment and great relief.
Just, eegh, you poor thing. The fibroids have been making you suffer for far too long. Take 'em out and kick 'em to the curb.
Thanks, Vortex. I think she's given up on trying to manage them without surgery (her researching was driving my mother mad) and has been presented with two options, the less stressful of which isn't even available in Jamaica, so it's confusing for no reason.
that even though she is in fact a slightly bawdy Wife of Bathish lady
That is
your Mom. I don't know what Wife of Bath you've been hanging out with, but this comparison is not apt.
Erin is like the Wife of Bath. Your Mom is not bawdy, nor lewd.
Where is Jessica, dammit? I want to cheer her baby boy to her face. Inasmuch as, you know, internet, web, face.
I didn't mean to post and run, I swear! But I was only home for a few minutes in between the doctor and the screening (and my Treo was low on batteries so I couldn't check the board from the theatre), and then I was really tired so I went to bed, and then I had Way Too Much Work this morning to catch up.
t hangs head in shame
I vow to maintain what is, frankly, my favorite aspect of my girly plumbing, which is the whole orgasm thing.
Excellent plan!
Jessica - Pregnancy caffeine gets the thumbs up!
Hooray for validation! (Er, since I never gave it up. I switched to tea during my first trimester because the smell of coffee made me gag, but I've been back on it for a few weeks now. Just one cup a day, but that's all I normally drink anyway.)
Baby Boy Wee Turtle SonOfJessAndEthan!!! You may decide to pick another name. I won't be hurt.
Well, maybe for a middle name...
And, actually, I'd like an informal Bitch polling here -- should one avoid giving a kid a really weird middle name even if you really like it? Not "Moon Unit" or "Apple" weird, but, um, fictional. From a genre universe. Slightly more obscure than "Frodo" but only just. (And not actually LotR, but you get the idea.)
My feeling is that it's a middle name and should therefore yield a minimum amount of trauma. But I may just be in deep denial. DH likes the name too. My sister has vetoed it on principle, but she doesn't really get a vote.
I say go for it. You like it, DH likes it. That's all that matters.
I'm convinced that, for the most part, most people go through a phase where they hate their name. Not everyone, naturally, but a lot of people. I'm sure once Emeline figures out the Jayne Firefly shout-out-ish - she's gonna be mad.
My feeling is that it's a middle name and should therefore yield a minimum amount of trauma.
I'd agree. Once I settled down to liking my first name, my middle didn't matter that much. My initials still bug, but eh.