My mom had a hysterectomy for fibroids many years back and, as everyone else has said, it was a rough recovery because abdominal surgery is never a picnic but the relief of having all the awful symptoms gone like that! was incredible. And I don't think her seriously girly bits were impaired afterwards. Though I'm not sure because she is, after all, my mom, which means that even though she is in fact a slightly bawdy Wife of Bathish lady who has made cheerful reference to orgasms on occasion, I haven't heard the details because I've been too busy digging my fingers in my ears and saying lalala I can't hear you you're my mom and you are NOT TELLING ME THIS.
But, yes, apparently little impairment and great relief.
Just, eegh, you poor thing. The fibroids have been making you suffer for far too long. Take 'em out and kick 'em to the curb.