full speed ahead and damn the context:
I realize that in fact the octopus army is not out to get me specifically
Does Goodwin's Law apply to earworms?
Brenda in Bitches, context be damned:
"I'm not able to give you references from my current employer because I'm not comfortable letting them know I'm hunting, but I think my long tenure there gives testimony to my quality as an employee. Here, have some nuns."
Thanks, Theo,one of the first "dirty' jokes I ever learned, when I was so young I spent more time figuring out "WASP" than group sex.
Sophia Brooks, in Natter:
I am watching His Girl Friday, which is one of my favorites, and I am finding myself feeling sorry for poor Ralph Bellamy, which is sort of ruining my enjoyment. It is sort of like my over-identification with th fish ruins my enjoyment of The Cat in the Hat.