Brenda in Bitches, context be damned:
"I'm not able to give you references from my current employer because I'm not comfortable letting them know I'm hunting, but I think my long tenure there gives testimony to my quality as an employee. Here, have some nuns."
Thanks, Theo,one of the first "dirty' jokes I ever learned, when I was so young I spent more time figuring out "WASP" than group sex.
Sophia Brooks, in Natter:
I am watching His Girl Friday, which is one of my favorites, and I am finding myself feeling sorry for poor Ralph Bellamy, which is sort of ruining my enjoyment. It is sort of like my over-identification with th fish ruins my enjoyment of The Cat in the Hat.
In Natter:
(I almost wanted to say that if we can't even pronounce the same words similar, all hope is doomed. And then I remembered that it took me about 10 days in US to make sure that when I'm asking for French crepes it won't sound like I'm asking for French craps).
In Bitches:
Vortex -
Teacher type buffista people: What's the phrase for when a group of teachers who teach the same students get together to try to harmonize their lesson plans so that compatible concepts are reinforced through different subjects? It has a name, I can't remember it.
Trudy Booth - "bar crawl"
sj, in Movies, because it had to be said:
I forget that everyone isn't us.
What's Quebecois for wetback?
The traffic gods give with one hand and annoy the hell out of me with the other.