In Bitches, Fay attains enlightenment, or at least something like it:
So - reiki. I remain open-minded, but unconvinced at this juncture. It does not help one's case as a Reiki Master to start talking about the fall of Atlantis or pyramids being built by teleportation. (My response, I confess, was ", yes. On Stargate. But in the real world, the latest theory - backed up by archeological evidence - is that the pyramids were built by the farmers during the times of inundation, that they were paid workers, and that the stones were raised by the use of earthworks around the pyramid. Um.") Or the Great Pyramids being designed by Thoth and Osiris. Or making lots of random spurious claims and backing them up with vague "it's been documented that" assertions. Because, yo, I could write that my cat flies around the room farting green flames and singing 'O Canada', and that would be documentary evidence of flaming flying Canada-loving felines. Whilst still being, you know, total crap.