[cont'd from above--shrift, is it possible to keep it all on one page in the RBQG?]
John Kerry called it "The Right Wedding at the Right Time", conceding that even though the actual wedding planning was unilateral, Nora and Tom had taken the time to build widespread and wholehearted support by announcing their engagement to key domestic allies. He added "I would be proud to shake this man's hand and french this woman. Did I say french? I meant Freedom-Tongue."
It is unclear what effect this marriage will have on the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol.
shrift in Natter on the misuse of quotes:
Terminal stupidity and egregious hand-holding may cause me to dislike you, but lady, I'm telling you, put down the scare quotes and back away before I visit a "pet store" to buy a 9mm "bunny".
Ok, one more thing for Maria and then I'll shut my gratuitous yap - if you happen to have a bridesmaid or other wedding party member not knowledgeable in the workings of the catholic church, give them a crash course on things like how to cross yourself so she doesn't do it wrong in front of God and everybody whilst standing infront of the church only to have her husband remind her that it's Spectacles, Testicles, Wallet and Watch.
Unless you keep your wallet in your back pocket. Then you'll find yourself doing the Macarena.
Aimee Gives Wedding Advice:
If you happen to have a bridesmaid or other wedding party member not knowledgeable in the workings of the catholic church, give them a crash course on things like how to cross yourself so she doesn't do it wrong in front of God and everybody whilst standing infront of the church only to have her husband remind her that it's Spectacles, Testicles, Wallet and Watch.
ARugh. 4 seconds. Curse you, wee Trudy.
Followup from
And if you do the cross backwards, you can cover by saying you're Orthodox.
I don't know how to cover for doing the macarena.
Today in Natter--
sumi: Tommy Lee goes back to school -- a new reality tv show on NBC.
Cindy: I've lost count, how many horsemen of the apocalypse are we up to, now?
P-C: Four horsemen, three ponymen.
Cindy: How many ponymen are there, before we start counting the flying monkeys, P-C?
P-C: Just one more to go, Cindy. They like to be in fours.
On the first day of the Apocalypse the end of days brought me One TV show starring Tommy Lee.
On the second day of the Apocalypse the end of days brought me Two Joe Millionaires, and One TV show starring Tommy Lee.
On the third day of the Apocalypse the end of days brought me Three The Swans, Two Joe Millionaires, and One TV show starring Tommy Lee.
On the fourth day of the Apocalypse the end of days brought me Foooouuuur Deeeeeeaaaaaadly Horsemen, Three The Swans, Two Joe Millionaires, and One TV show starring Tommy Lee.
On the fifth day of the Apocalypse the end of days brought me Five Annoying Ponymen, Foooouuuur Deeeeeeaaaaaadly Horsemen, Three The Swans, Two Joe Millionaires, and One TV show starring Tommy Lee.
On the sixth day of the Apocalypse the end of days brought me Six Flying Monkeys, Five Annoying Ponymen, Foooouuuur Deeeeeeaaaaaadly Horsemen, Three The Swans, Two Joe Millionaires, and One TV show starring Tommy Lee.
See, I've never even seen a Canadian quarter before. I thought it might be a state commemorative at first glance. The picture of the Queen tipped me off.
Are you sure it's not Barbara Bush?
Are you sure it's not the San Francisco commemorative?