Quotable Angel:
As sung by the Green Velvet Fog. - DXMachina
I'm sorry, every time I red this I see it as "The Green Velvet Frog. Which at least has the advantage of some historical precedent. - Billytea
Oops, sorry. Didn't think it was specific enough to be considered spoilery.
Nutty, in the Fanfiction thread:
That sounds like how I felt about Ben-Hur when I saw it at 19. My friends were aghast I hadn't seen it, and they sat me down to watch it, and when the intermission between tapes came, I was like, "So.... gay?" And they all sort of looked at each other and said, "I don't remember it being like this when I was a kid."
(err... local paper. I swear, there was an L there. The loca paper is the other one.)
amych in natter
Could it be that the reason the Canadians are missing so many vowels is that Boston kidnapped them and won't let them go?
Theodosia, in Natter, cause it's funny when read randomly:
[strongly resisting temptation to go stand in front of Nutty's office building down the street and scream out variant pronunciations of 'fart']