Nutty, in the Fanfiction thread:
That sounds like how I felt about Ben-Hur when I saw it at 19. My friends were aghast I hadn't seen it, and they sat me down to watch it, and when the intermission between tapes came, I was like, "So.... gay?" And they all sort of looked at each other and said, "I don't remember it being like this when I was a kid."
(err... local paper. I swear, there was an L there. The loca paper is the other one.)
amych in natter
Could it be that the reason the Canadians are missing so many vowels is that Boston kidnapped them and won't let them go?
Theodosia, in Natter, cause it's funny when read randomly:
[strongly resisting temptation to go stand in front of Nutty's office building down the street and scream out variant pronunciations of 'fart']
in the Angel thread (edited for sense/continuity):
I do hope they're setting up an Angel-vs.-Lilah confrontation in which Wesley isn't sure who to root for. In one corner, abusive hostile ungrateful sometimes-evil vampire; in other, abusive bed-sharing evil person.
Brenda M:
I can think of a way Angel could even those odds....IJS.
And, um, what Betsy said, too. I really really hope that said confrontation involves Cordy being eviscerated, and then I'll know exactly who to root for myself.
I'd love to see him just kick back with a bowl of popcorn, throw some snarky comments at both of them, say "Oh, to heck with the both of you" and run off with Lindsey.
Dana will kill him if he tries anything
In Angel, I think, though it was OT:
joe boucher : Don't want the poster, but I thought the Olsen Twins Jailbait Countdown website was very funny. Sure, sure it was wrong, but it was still funny. Just a picture of the twins and a clock counting down.
billytea: There's part of me that thinks, hang on, wouldn't they be legal at 16 in most states? What else might he be waiting for? Is he counting down to the day they can vote? "The Olsen twins will save my nation."
... Yeah. they should put that at the bottom of the website.