Emily in Natter on the pronunciation of "Goa'uld" from Stargate:
Teal'c pronounces it as a triphthong, if that is indeed a word. Daniel pronounces it as a diphthong. Jack pronounces it without any thong. And thank god, because Richard Dean Anderson has aged well, but there are limits.
t modest
I do what I can.
I can't believe somebody else hasn't already COMMed this:
On the subject of being bitten by things, my brother was once bitten by a fairy penguin. On the lip. They're evil little creatures.
There's a full moon on the ice sheet tonight...
It just hangs there, shimmering and white...
I always thought I was important and hip
Until that Fairy Penguin bit my lip.
Now I'm a WerePenguin.
Twenty eight days, the world goes by,
Then that moon comes up in the sky
A change comes over, and my friends will sigh
They shake their heads, because the change is nigh.
I'm a WerePenguin. A WereFairyPenguin.
Please look away.
Ellen S, about spring, in Natter:
I walk outside now, and I'm all "Oh brave new world, that has such not-falling-on-my-ass in it."
Jon B.'s current tag: "We should print that on T-shirts. And on F-shirts for our friends with two arms on one side."
That's from Futurama, flea.
I'm tagging this. You can't stop me!
I'm a WerePenguin. A WereFairyPenguin. Please look away.
Natter 9:
Sean K: I hear coyotes all the time in the hills nearby. I actually saw one coming down from Yamashiro after sushi one night. Ran across the road in front of it.
Aimee: Coyotes eat sushi?
Trudy Booth: They just call it "fish."