And the hyena sex train leaves the station in TTT: (COMMED because I only supplied the setup.)
Me, channeling Éowyn: "Damn it, why can't I have wild hyena sex with a Númenorian?"
Amyparker: MOM!!!!! Betsy broke me!
billytea: Pretty much part of the definition of wild hyena sex. "If it ain't broke, you're doing it wrong."
amyparker: You said "wild hyena sex" and now I can't stop laughing. I am going to be weeping with joy at the sight of the sets for Rohan, and the words "wild hyena sex" are going to gaily jaunt through my forebrain, and the ushers are going to throw me out due to uncontrollable hysteria.
If I need bail money tonight, lady, I'm calling your house.
I was just trying to figure out why a virgin would be angry.
And you pretty much summed it up perfectly.
Sumiko: Think so.
Plus - - imagine her ire when she finds out about Arwen.
Ms. Havisham: It'll be a bad day for Arwen, methinks.
billytea: Hey, do me a favour. When Eowyn meets Aragorn and gets all piny an' stuff, could you shout out, just the once, "You're doing it wrong!"?
amyparker: Billytea, I hate you. That is all.
Pmoon: Well, I don't think Arwen and Aragorn were having the wild hyena sex yet either, not with Elrond breathing down both their necks their entire courtship. That and "wild hyena sex" kind of goes against the whole ethereal "Evenstar of her People" persona.
billytea : Heh. If we needed any proof that the title was overrated...
Katie M.: Besides, Eowyn gets to have wild hyena sex with Faramir, who isn't all about pining for unavailable elven princesses with prissy fathers.
Sumi: Because he's pining for Aragorn too.
It's something they have in common.
Well, I don't think Arwen and Aragorn were having the wild hyena sex yet either, not with Elrond breathing down both their necks their entire courtship. That and "wild hyena sex" kind of goes against the whole ethereal "Evenstar of her People" persona.
I think Galadriel let them have The Wild Hyena Sex.
he's pining for Aragorn too.
Oh, pining, shmining -- they're practically living together by the end!
Katie M: So *that's* why Eowyn was all for the move to Ithilien...