Jim, thanks. If I was looking forward to them before, now I'm REALLY looking forward to them.
Plus I think I might be able to persuade SO to watch
with me. I have utterly failed to turn him on to B & A, but as he's a SciFi fan, F might just work. I hope so, it'd be nice to watch some Jossverse with him.
FF starts slow but I'm utterly hooked. It nails (and Joss has explicitly said he wanted to nail) my problem with most SF - the fact that the characters aren't Big Heroes Out To Change The Universe, they're just ordinary people getting by. Makes for more interesting drama.
Stop! I want to watch this show! That's my problem with SF exactly, and if Joss has nailed it, I want to see this show!
t /bratty
Plus - No. Sound. In. Space.
I love that they do that right.
the fact that the characters aren't Big Heroes Out To Change The Universe, they're just ordinary people getting by.
Plus - No. Sound. In. Space.
I obviously haven't watched Firefly yet (but thanks to Jon and Jim and Fiona and John I now have a chance), but just from the reading of it those two things seemed connected somehow - like there's no need for a big dramatic sound effect when a spaceship moves through space because it's not a Big Moment thing that requires the 'big' score/sound, just people getting by. You won't have anything special for somebody getting into a car, and so - in that reality - the movement of a spaceship doesn't require it either. But only by realizing it's not a Big Heroes show can you allow yourself to remember the scientific fact that there's no sound in space.
Sorry, it all made some perfect sense in my mind a minute ago, and then I had to think about it in order to write it, and now it's not.
it's not a Big Moment thing that requires the 'big' score/sound
Good thought, but they
often use music in place of a swoosh, roar, or whatever.
Hayden! We're good. B. is going through a very cute phase again. The only problem is that his sleep patterns are a bit random at the moment. Mostly he's waking up early (way too early, if you ask me - between 5 and 6am). Then yesterday he slept through until 8:30. Go figure. Anyway, I'm a wee bit tired these days.
Glad to hear Benno's good! Hope his sleep patterns regularize themselves out soon.
Nilly, it's nice to see a science-head with a really poetic soul.
I think the No Sound In Space thing was at its worst in
Independence Day
when not only did the spaceships make lots of noise going past the moon, but the noise and vibration is so loud that it
the dust on the moon.
Three minutes into the movie and I'm already yelling at the screen.
Yes, but it was a fantastic sight gag.