Hayden! We're good. B. is going through a very cute phase again. The only problem is that his sleep patterns are a bit random at the moment. Mostly he's waking up early (way too early, if you ask me - between 5 and 6am). Then yesterday he slept through until 8:30. Go figure. Anyway, I'm a wee bit tired these days.
Glad to hear Benno's good! Hope his sleep patterns regularize themselves out soon.
Nilly, it's nice to see a science-head with a really poetic soul.
I think the No Sound In Space thing was at its worst in
Independence Day
when not only did the spaceships make lots of noise going past the moon, but the noise and vibration is so loud that it
the dust on the moon.
Three minutes into the movie and I'm already yelling at the screen.
Yes, but it was a fantastic sight gag.
Dave Barry's gift guide this year reviews a Nature's Platform Toilet Squatting Device that lets you convert a Western-style sit-down toilet seat to allow a more-natural squatting position. I've been wondering about this ever since I learned about it. I know men's urinary systems weaken and allow backups if they use bedpans too long instead of standing up, so sit-down toilets could well cause problems too. Have any unamericans had experience with the squatting style they want to share? John H, do they use that kind in Vietnam, or are they going porcelain?
Holy FUCK was that a good episode of Firefly. This show is flying so high and hard now - it'll be a damn shame if they can't keep it going.
John H, do they use that kind in Vietnam, or are they going porcelain?
This is not the kind of thing we reserved british people like to go into detail over, but my vietnamese family have a squatting type toilet, yes. The other type were only found in "western-style" establishments like a Troung Nguyen or "vietnamese starbucks" outlet.
You get used to it.
I don't mind squat toilets as long as they're cleanish. I remember when I first went to SE Asia I hated the idea for about the first 2 weeks until I learned to read while squatting with a torch in my mouth - a basic travelling life skill.
I didn't find the squat toilets a big adjustment. In fact, given the lowered sanitary levels I was happy to have as much space as possible between the toilet & my precious bits. Then again, not male. (Er, not that men feel differently about sanitation, but rather that I wasn't likely to worry about undue effects on my prostate!)
not the kind of thing we reserved british people like to go into detail over
Oh, no, is it typical for the Ugly American to walk into the group and chirp, "Tell me all about your charming local toilet customs"? I was just wondering if you had to have good balance or be in shape, and if things went quicker that way.
until I learned to read while squatting with a torch in my mouth
Then you just set your book on the ground when you're going to wipe. Where do they keep the toilet paper? Is it on a roller or a platform? It seems like directly in front would be the easiest to reach without balance issues, or maybe overhead.