Buffy, Angel & co are behind the board, not other stuff
Let me opine that just because I meet someone through a shared interest in a TV show or two (or the martial arts, or computers, or whatever) doesn't mean that it's not possible to have an intense and serious conversation about something else.
I don't understand the proposition that because it started with the Jossverse, everything should be taken lightly or flippantly.
A serious conversation is a serious conversation, period.
Yes. This board has def. evolved from being a lighthearted TV-based discussion board, through to being a much stronger and deeper community - it happened during our time at WX.
the inhabitants of the other country get arsey.
Can I mention, this is such a wonderfully Jim-ish thing to say? I completely unedrstand what he means when he says it, and it sums up an entire phase of imperial power, and I can't imagine trying to translate the expression to somebody else without pages and pages of explanation.
Skimming a bit, to say:
Moonlit! Be not afraid of the COMM, for 'tis a wondrous thing!
And Julie! Yay for being "in the pot". Er. I hope when you used that phrase it meant what it seemed like. :) Glad you're around.
Well, what if you don't *want* to take it very seriously? There's a FIAWOL and FIJAGH split starting here that might get tricky. I just don't have the time and inclination to tell a lot about myself here. Do you have to be a psychobabbler to post regularly? I hope not.
BTW, I spent half the day hitting myself on the forehead after realizing that I was saying that I reserved the right to be broad and use hyperbole and then saying that I was upset because people were making broad statements and using hyperbole! D'oh!
Wrong thread. Sorry. I blame the booze. Or society.
Practicing the art of the random meara:
it's because, all our lives, we've seen the constitution, the bill of rights, all that Enlightenment stuff, as the real moral strength of the USA.
Same goes for many of us Americans as well.
I feel weird posting something serious there sometimes
This sounds odd coming from someone who consistently waves off the criticism of others by claiming she wasn’t being serious.
but towards the end there I was ready to trade BtVS and Angel for more Firefly.
Hey, I’m still there. Firefly was brilliant. Sigh.
Somehow, Me thinks Penny's not in Lightbulbs anymore :)
Well, what if you don't *want* to take it very seriously? There's a FIAWOL and FIJAGH split starting here that might get tricky. I just don't have the time and inclination to tell a lot about myself here. Do you have to be a psychobabbler to post regularly? I hope not.
The point, for me, Caroma, was that without the context of the other bits of you (erm.. yous, this isn't you you specific.), I find it hard to see the jokes and the wry-bits and the humour or the sarcasm. And sometimes, if I'm erring on the side of caution, I don't immediately have an "aha! hyperbole ahoy" moment.
I find it particularly difficult when someone swings between appearing to be worked up about something they have read or seen and saying the equivalent of "lighten up, it's just a discussion"
Amd since I'm still wearing my newbie sticker (AIFG), can I ask you to please explain both FIAWOL and FIJAGH
I don't understand the proposition that because it started with the Jossverse, everything should be taken lightly or flippantly... A serious conversation is a serious conversation, period.
To which I might add, some of the most serious conversations I've ever had have started with "Excuse me! But what did you just say about Xander!?!?"
But that might just be me :)
Moonlit! Be not afraid of the COMM, for 'tis a wondrous thing!
Meara, I'm afeered of the COMM. I was overCOMMd in my first real delurk and now I find the lack of COMMing o' me strangely unfulfilling. You may have created a monster here people. But at least I'm gnarl enough to admit it.
It's an old Star Trek fandom thing from the Seventies, Julie.
FIAWOL means Fandom Is a Way of Life.
FIJAGH means Fandom is Just a Goddamn Hobby.
By the way, I love your posts so far!
There's plenty of me in older Natter threads, but I just don't have the time to Natter anymore.