Murk: But you're a God! The Sacred Glorificus! Glory: I'm a God in exile. Far from the Hellfires of Home and sharing my body with an enemy that stabs my boys in their fleshy little stomachs!

'Dirty Girls'

All Ogle, No Cash -- It's Not Just Annoying, It's Un-American

Discussion of episodes currently airing in Un-American locations (anything that's aired in Australia is fair game), as well as anything else the Un-Americans feel like talking about or we feel like asking them. Please use the show discussion threads for any current-season discussion.

Add yourself to the Buffista map while you're here by updating your profile.

Min - Sep 17, 2002 10:52:09 pm PDT #31 of 9843
Is that Narrative Causality or Historical Imperative or just plain weird?

It's just about 2:50 pm here, so I'd guess that amych is right. Of course, work didn't stop me from playing, because I'm working from home, aww yeeeah. Let's hear it for tele-commuting.

evil jimi - Sep 17, 2002 11:13:51 pm PDT #32 of 9843
Lurching from one disaster to the next.

Thanks for the info, guys. I saw it mentioned while reading a spoiler thread over at WX but there wasn't any elaboration.

"William" in Older and Far Away

*ding* Ah, I remember that now. Obviously Joss and Co are just fucking with our minds again :)

Angus G - Sep 17, 2002 11:59:58 pm PDT #33 of 9843
Roguish Laird

Raffles...are you going to make us guess who you are? (I'll take a stab at Mark C.)

John is in Melbourne at the moment (I saw him last night!) so he probably won't get to post until he gets back to Sydney, which IIRC is this evening.

Nilly - Sep 18, 2002 12:45:43 am PDT #34 of 9843

OK, this is a very UnAmerican thing to post: an Israeli football soccer team is going to play against Manchester United today.

And it's even BtVS related because Spike mentioned MU as one of the reasons not to destroy the world, along with dog races and happy meals with legs.

Don't mind me, I'm just so glad being here.

Angus G - Sep 18, 2002 12:55:51 am PDT #35 of 9843
Roguish Laird

Go Israeli team!

For that matter, go any team that plays Man Utd, ever.

Jim - Sep 18, 2002 3:07:48 am PDT #36 of 9843
Ficht nicht mit Der Raketemensch!

Blimey! This is nice, isn't it. Mmmm.

Perfect tagline, Angus, even if the end of the Last Battle is a disturbing eschatological copout.

Fiona - Sep 18, 2002 3:09:24 am PDT #37 of 9843

Made it! Weeeheeee!

Hello Fellow Unamericans. We're going to be needing this thread again starting next Sunday. Darn it.

Theodosia - Sep 18, 2002 5:02:09 am PDT #38 of 9843
'we all walk this earth feeling we are frauds. The trick is to be grateful and hope the caper doesn't end any time soon"

Starting Friday, if you're following Firefly -- which I haven't heard anything about it being syndicated to UnAmerican locales. Of course it may suck like a sucking thing, so in which case you'd be spared.

Megan E. - Sep 18, 2002 5:10:36 am PDT #39 of 9843

For that matter, go any team that plays Man Utd, ever.

aren't they on a bit of a losing streak?

evil jimi - Sep 18, 2002 5:13:48 am PDT #40 of 9843
Lurching from one disaster to the next.

aren't they on a bit of a losing streak?

Karmicly (sic?) they most certainly are.