I've heard that World's Finest featuring Power Girl and Huntress is actually pretty good.
Other Media 2: It's Astounishing!
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
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I need to train my nephews better. My sister posted to Facebook asking who was stronger than The Hulk. This mystery person had "tan skin and blue pants".
Her husband chimed in first that they were talking about The Thing, which they apparently were.
I was obligated to explain that The Thing wasn't actually stronger than The Hulk, followed by links to the Marvel Strength chart and a collection of Thing/Hulk clips from this season of Earth's Mightiest Heroes as evidence.
Hopefully I have already taught my son not to make the same mistake. I'll have to ask him tomorrow.
Hulk is strongest one there is!
Because technically there's not an upper limit to his strength as long he's still getting angry. However, Thor With Hammer should be able to win in most instances. It's just that good a hammer.
Though on a DC/Marvel scale, Superman is definitely stronger. But on a narrative level, this just creates problems for Superman stories.
I thought Avengers was really good at strength. Like, they managed to have distinct strata of power and constitution, and they did a good job of keeping it true. The parts where Tony grunted with effort were a bit distracting, though.
Because technically there's not an upper limit to his strength as long he's still getting angry. However, Thor With Hammer should be able to win in most instances. It's just that good a hammer.
Yeah. Someone else threw out "Thor" prior to the physical description being given. And I loved the scene in Avengers when The Hulk tried to pick up Mjolnir. (Although I want to say some variation of that scene makes its way into any Thor and Hulk meet for the first time story.)
Though on a DC/Marvel scale, Superman is definitely stronger. But on a narrative level, this just creates problems for Superman stories.
Is current Superman still stronger? I know Silver Age definitely was.
I thought Avengers was really good at strength. Like, they managed to have distinct strata of power and constitution, and they did a good job of keeping it true. The parts where Tony grunted with effort were a bit distracting, though.
I don't recall noticing the grunting, but I can see it being an issue. Grunting in response to G-forces and impacts? Sure. Grunting in response to exertion? Not so much.
He grunted and grimaced while he was pushing the heli-carrier fan. Not when he was reacting to buffeting but more when he was trying to go harder.
From way back in the OHotMU days, the armor was supposed to multiply the user's strength rather than substitute for it, so there was feedback and making a greater effort would generate a greater result.
Is current Superman still stronger? I know Silver Age definitely was.
I don't know about the DCnU version, but the post-Crisis version was able to pick up a luxury liner during his initial Man of Steel miniseries. That's orders of magnitude beyond anything I've seen the Hulk do.
That's just because he doesn't want to.
That's just because he doesn't want to.
Or he's never been luxury liner angry.
In Secret Wars I, he lifted a mountain.