From way back in the OHotMU days, the armor was supposed to multiply the user's strength rather than substitute for it, so there was feedback and making a greater effort would generate a greater result.
Is current Superman still stronger? I know Silver Age definitely was.
I don't know about the DCnU version, but the post-Crisis version was able to pick up a luxury liner during his initial Man of Steel miniseries. That's orders of magnitude beyond anything I've seen the Hulk do.
That's just because he doesn't want to.
That's just because he doesn't want to.
Or he's never been luxury liner angry.
In Secret Wars I, he lifted a mountain.
Yeah, but can Hulk punch a hole in the space time continuum?
With Banner past puberty, I don't think he can generate that level of unadulterated pique.
Teen Hulk is strongest one there is! He just wanted a Pepsi, but they wouldn't give it to him!
Marvel Strength Chart.
Shouldn’t She-Hulk be in the next higher class? And taller?
That was done back when she was in her ripped-hospital-gown-can-lift-40-tons phase. These days she's about as strong as Ben Grimm.
Did anyone read those speech bubbles before they published it?