She's the kid you'd say, "No street," to, and then watch as she looked you right in the eye, as she stuck her toes out behind her, and put them just past the curb, into the street.
Emeline is this child. If we are out back, she wants to go up the stairs to B&E's house. Yesterday, she grabbed the railing and looked at me. I said, "No, Emeline. We aren't going upstairs." She started to smile and raised her foot toward the step. "Emeline. Mommy said, 'No"." She lowered her foot just a little bit. I got up, walked over to her, at which point she let go of the railing and sat on the step, hands clasped in her lap.
I wonder if her life is this multi-faceted.
She does have Attention Deficit Disorder, do maybe she THINKS she is that multi-faceted, but then forgets to do the stuff on her list.
I love that kind of spirit, in everyone else's children.
Oh, lord! I've been leading my life all wrong, and she's finally told me so, and that there's hope for me. I mean, I've never even been that fat!
You can't possibly live up to the standard set by THIS dusky jewel:
I am so loathe to beat her up based on her appearance, but she is begging me to do so, right? I'm having a hypocrite issue where it's all sorts of upsetting to me when someone calls me fat, which I am, but she's equating me being overweight with her being more attractive. I mean, not me personally, but fat women in general. Which i am choosing to take personally. And the fact of the matter is that I can lose weight, but she can't lose that fucking klingon forehead.
I was just looking at the TWOP threads TDS and Colbert Report, and someone there linked on a pretty good Colbert fansite. It has some video links, including one I'd heard about before but hadn't seen: the banana sketch from TDS. It's always fun to watch Colbert get the giggles onscreen!
I love you, Allyson. That is all.
My industry has wierd challenges:
BSR E1.34-200x, Entertainment Technology-Measuring and Specifying the Slipperiness of Floors Used in Live Performance Venues, is a project to develop a means of quantifying the slipperiness of floor surfaces used by performers in live entertainment venues. The hope is to be able to come up with a measurement that will correlate with a performer's perceptions when he or she says a floor is too slippery or not slippery enough. It is axiomatic that you can't manage what you can't measure; floor slipperiness is something that must be managed for the convenience and safety of performers, so we must have a way to measure it.
And the fact of the matter is that I can lose weight, but she can't lose that fucking klingon forehead.
ha! That's a fivehead, my friend. And the glasses are tragic.
She brought it on herself, frankly. You [JMPP] want to write a blog post about how much better you are than all the people who apparently want to date you, you takes your lumps.