Proper bacon isn't unduly chewy!
And, lord, is there such a thing as a
anchovy? Doesn't that kinda imply there's such a thing as a
anchovy? The mind boggles at the nastiness.
I put it in quotes, because I bet most people haven't eaten it! Like brussels sprouts.
Little balls of nasty salt, they are. And I have tasted them, which is how I know.
We used to live right around the corner from the PB place on Houston, and when it opened, we were all superior and cynical, "Poor saps, like THAT will work." When we went back to the old neighborhood last summer after five years, there it was, still going. Made me happy.
When I was a kid - eight or so - I remember going into a restaurant with my parents and something I got came with anchovies (or one anchovy) and my mother warned me to be careful because it was very salty. I carefully tasted it and - yum! loved it! So much for "acquired tastes".
People will eat carbonized slice of pig that's doused in salt and uncomfortably chewy for a meat, but a tiny salted fish? Oh, no way!
It's FISH. With an exaggerated fishiness. That's really what is behind my finding them blechy.
People will eat carbonized slice of pig that's doused in salt and uncomfortably chewy for a meat, but a tiny salted fish? Oh, no way!
Some of us won't eat either of them.
I had anchovies in a caesar salad that were pretty good.
You are the reason I can never get anchovies on shared pizzas!
How do you feel about pineapple? Because I'm totally down with anchovies, and if you add pineapple, it's a little slice of heaven. Used to order it from Brewery City Pizza, in fact.
I LOVE sardines! They are soooo good and energy producing! I can eat a can of sardines and do theatre for hours and hours!
I thought they were gross before I tried one, but they are yummy.
Anchovies = Teh Yum. (Though like Jesse, I prefer anchovy paste for use at home, since it keeps longer. Also good for stealth-anchovy-adding for people who think they don't like anchovies, since it's invisible in the finished recipe.)
Love fluff on chocolate ice cream.
Don't like fish...that's the anchovy prob.