Project Runway: Santino really must be stopped. He said last night that if he only had more time, he could have "done something," but really he should have had about 20 minutes LESS time. Says me.
Ha! I noticed he said he didn't have enough time last night too. I turned to Bob and said "he needed at least five days for all the necessary trim!"
There were free Dunkin' Donuts Munchkins on the snack table when I got to work. This day may yet be allowed to live....
I want a Munchkin! Instead I have free focaccia, which I am trying to avoid eating for a while.
I don't have any free food. Why does my life suck so?
Why do I live in the south, so far from Dunkies Nirvana?
You know how some people really, really can't drive while talking on a cell? I saw someone who really really couldn't WALK while talking on a cell. It was amusing.
I dreamed of people turning into seagulls. It was odd.
Crap. Little Timmy fell into the well....
My boss's dog just came running over to my office. She gave an alarmed yelp and then ran away. Then she came back and repeated the process - a few more times. So either she's trying to tell me that Timmy fell into the well, or else both my boss's stepped out for a bit and Lulu is distressed that she can't find them.
Maybe she's splitting the difference and it's your boss who is in the well?
Okay, I admit it, I don't get the BSB or boy bands in general. But this cracks me up (it's a video, fyi).